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Alternative Names

Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshi-tachi

ドラゴンクエストVII エデンの戦士たち


Heart Beat



Release Dates

11/01/01 Enix
08/26/00 Enix
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 108
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



You dream of becoming a fisherman like your father, but when you, the mischievous Prince Kiefer,and the feisty Maribel discover that the world once held much more that the single peaceful island of home, paths of adventure open before you.


Uncover the puzzle shards to travel back in time and discover lost continents. Once in the past, you must solve the mysteries of these continents so that they will exist in your present. Complete the tasks and the world will be complete. Fail, and the lost lands and their inhabitants will again be doomed to extiction.


What is the powerful force that erased so much of the world in the first place? And what are those hints of a past war between good and evil?


Your journey starts on Estard Isle...




*Taken from official site. Edited for grammar mistakes.

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Game Information Updated ninson95 27th Mar 2018
Game Information Updated Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 20th Aug 2009
Game Information Updated ioi 27th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated dunno001 10th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated Cactus 20th Jun 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Cactus 24th May 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Cactus 24th May 2009
Game Information Updated zexen_lowe 01st Jan 2009
Boxart Added oliist 04th Nov 2008
Boxart Added oliist 04th Nov 2008

Shipping Total

4,300,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (20)

Ljink96 posted 06/05/2016, 06:13
To put it into greater perspective, FFIX sold 5.3 Million compared to 4.47 of this one and 4 million came from Japan alone. The same can't be said for FFVII-IX.
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Ljink96 posted 06/05/2016, 06:11
The fact is, Dragon Quest is still more popular than FF in Japan, where JRPGS are king. Need I remind you, Enix the developer saved Square, developer of FF, as they were about to go bankrupt even with FF, which resulted in the creation of Square Enix. If Dragon Quest kept going in the West like FF did and bear the poor sales like FFIV and VI, and eventually reach legend status like FFVII, it'd be at least half as popular.
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StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:30
Yeah, but selling great ONLY in ONE market (Japan) is not so great. Final Fantasy is evenly popular throughout the ENTIRE world. Now THAT is great. It's every bit as popular in NA as it is in Japan. You gotta appeal to the entire world to TRULY be great. :)
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Mordred11 posted 10/09/2011, 09:48
wow this sold rather great
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MrT-Tar posted 02/08/2011, 08:54
Just started playing this on my NTSC PSX. Loving it so far
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MANUELF posted 21/05/2011, 04:44
Bought it in an impulse buy but I dont mind
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