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Trophy Guide for Ashes Cricket 09

Introduction: This is just a quick guide offering tips for each of the trophies in this game. 26 in total 7 Gold, 8 Silver and 10 bronze. Roughly 25 hours give or take in length (more so if you attempt them without saving and loading.) The trophies attainable online are listed but note I would actually recommend going for them offline. I would assume this guide is applicable to the 360 version of the game but as I have not had first hand experience with that version, I can not confirm for certain.

Best of the Best

Type: Platinum

Description: Earn all of the trophies in the game

Tips: Each trophy you unlock appears after the replays are over so if it doesn’t pop up then something must be wrong, though check to make sure you have actually met the criteria needed for each trophy.

IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT SIMULATE ANY MATCHES OR INNINGS!! It stops you from unlocking trophies and rewards

Be advised, it is possible to save after every ball is bowled, if you find yourself in a precarious position and are not confident in how the next ball will turn out, save your game. I’ll be writing this under the assumption you are aiming for the trophies without cutting any corners but if you feel you must then note the option is there for the taking. If you attempt to get this trophy as a purist (I.E not doing anything that might be considered cheating ) then these trophies can be quite tough even on the easiest settings.

Difficulty: ***(for the purists) * (for everyone else)

Master of the Blades


Type: Bronze

Description: Successfully complete all of the batting lessons and challenges

Tips: This is fairly easy , trophy to get. There are in total four easy lessons, six advanced lessons and six challenges to complete. For the most parts the lessons are easy if you follow the instructions exactly as stated but one or two of them can trip you especially challenge six. Be patient and smart and try to pick up patterns in the game’s bowling style and this should easily be yours.

Difficulty: *

Master with the Ball



Type: Bronze

Description: Successfully complete all of the bowling lessons and challenges

Tips: Like the “Blades” trophy, this one is also easy. Following the instructions is the only way to get through the lessons, three basic lessons and four advanced ones with six challenges afterwards. This in my opinion is a lot easier than the batting trophy as there’s not really anything to trip you up. Once you’ve done the lessons and understand the basics, the challenges should be easy.

Difficulty: *

Dynamite in the Field



Type: Bronze

Description: Successfully complete all of the fielding lessons.

Tips: There are really only 2 lessons here and both are stupendously easy, follow the instructions and you’ll be done in a couple of minutes tops.

Raise the Bat



Type : Bronze

Description: Score 50 runs in an innings with a single batsman in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: This in my opinion is the easiest of all the batting trophies, you can even earn this one playing adventurously with your shots. If you have completed the Master of the Blades trophy then this should be easier if you apply all your newly acquired knowledge about shot types and pay attention to the fielders’ positions this should be really easy.

Difficulty: *

The Big 100



Type: Bronze

Description: Score 100 runs in an innings with a single batsman in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: This is effectively the “Raise the Bat” trophy level 2, but if you want to reach 100 runs you need to be more conservative. It is possible to get this trophy in an ODI match (even a 20/20 but only if you play extremely well) but personally I would recommend doing it in an Ashes series (I’ll explain why later.)

Difficulty: *


The Double Ton


Type: Silver

Description: Score 200 runs in an innings with a single batsman in single player or ranked online.

Tips: If you are still with the batsman that achieve “The Big 100” trophy then you are half way there. In an ODI match, this becomes quite difficult to achieve but if you attempt it in an Ashes match, you will have all the time in the world. Be smart running in between wickets, if you think you can steal 3 runs only take 2 unless you are absolutely certain, I would not recommend trying to score sixes as it is usually an invite to getting caught out and ruining all your hard work. Use defensive shots more often and pick your shots and angles carefully, eventually this trophy will be yours.

Difficulty: * (** for the purists)

The Triple Ton



Type: Silver

Description: Score 300 runs in an innings with a single batsman in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: After using the same batsman to get your 200, you now need to get one more hundred for that triple ton, by now you should be in tune with him, the field and even the bowlers. Be vigilant and defensive if the bowler is showing great confidence but be punishing if the bowler is showing signs of weakness. I would still recommend not going for sixes as you can easily edge your shot or sky it. Be smart with your running again and most of all be patient, this trophy will eventually be yours.

Difficulty: * (*** for the purists)

Ashes King with the Bat



Type: Gold

Description: Score 500 runs in an Ashes series with a single batsman in single player.

Tips: This is the sole reason I suggested attempting the 50,100,200,300 trophies in an Ashes series because if you successfully achieve all the others in one match then this trophy is easy as pie. In an Ashes series, there are 5 matches with 10 innings in total for one batting side, you would need one batsman to get 50 runs on average in each innings. If you have the triple ton in one match then the rest should be very easy.

Difficulty: * (** for the Purists)

Power Hitting


Type: Bronze

Description: Hit 6 fours in 6 consecutive deliveries in an innings in single player or ranked online match.

Tip: First of all, take note of the wording in the description, you don’t have to get your fours in 1 over, it can be over 2 separate overs if you need it to, it just has to be 6 deliveries in a row. Every shot you take must result you getting a boundary worth four runs, anything else and you have to start again. It takes a lot of patience and a good knowledge of the fielders’ positions to get this. You would need to time your shots perfectly if you plan to attack the ball so you can get pass the fielders and make it to the boundaries. If you plan to loft, using a known big hitter can prove counter-productive as you might accidentally score a six instead of a four. I suggest attempting this trophy whilst attempting the Triple Ton one that way you know the strengths of your chosen batsman and can play to it.

Difficulty * (** For the Purists)

The Blazing Blades



Type Bronze

Description: Hit 6 sixes in 6 consecutive deliveries in an innings in single player or ranked match.

Tips: Like the Power Hitting Trophy, this one can also be over 2 overs but unlike this Power Hitting, this one requires a strong batsman (usually a middle order batsman, by the time you try to attempt this one, it becomes easier to spot who can do what in your team.) You need to score 6 sixes in a row, anything else cancels it out and you have to start again. I personally think this is easier to attempt against spinners but only do so if you are confident. Find the bowling type you are strong against and a batsman you are strong with, demoralise the bowler down to timid then go in for the kill.

Difficulty: * (***For the Purists)

The Hat Trick



Type: Bronze

Description: Take 3 wickets in a row from one bowler in a match in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: This trophy sounds a lot more scary than it actually is. If you’re playing on easy and are quite versed in bowling, this should be a walk over. Learn to mix up your deliveries, don’t stick to the same old tricks, mix and match your pitch, types, lengths and so on, also remember it’s possible to change types mid deliveries to add that extra spice to your arsenal. Remember to set your fielders well so they are in good positions to catch any skied shots. Keep at it, eventually you will get it. Aim for the tail of any team, that’s where the less proficient and confident batters are, check the batting ratings of each team to find out which is the weakest one to go for.

Note: run outs don’t count towards your bowling tally, it has to be by Wicket, Catching or LBW. It has to be with the same Bowler in one over, it doesn’t carry over to the next bowler or to the next over from the same bowler.

Difficulty: * (** for the purists)

The Top Hat Trick



Type: Silver

Description: Take 4 wickets in a row from one bowler in a match in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: After getting your hat-trick get one more in you next delivery and the trophy is yours, fail and you have to start over again in your next over. If you set out trying to get it, you’ll only end up frustrated so don’t force yourself, just let it come naturally. ODIs and 20/20 are best for these two trophies as batters are more aggressive as a result, prone to mistakes,

Note: Accomplishing this trophy in an Ashes match will help with another trophy later on.

Difficulty: * (*** For the Purists)


Raise the Ball



Type: Bronze

Description: Take 5 wickets in an innings with a single bowler in single player or ranked online.

Tips: If you managed to get the “Top Hat Trick” trophy then get one more wicket (doesn’t have to be in a row) and this is yours. If you don’t have it don’t worry, just stick to the same two bowlers in a ODI, Test or Ashes match, avoid run outs and this is yours.

Difficulty: *

If You Want Something Done Right



Type: Gold

Description: Take 10 wickets in an innings with a single bowler in single player or ranked online.

Tips: This one can be a bit tricky as unlike the “Raise the Ball” trophy, this one is a one man show. It’s quite difficult to earn this trophy as a purist even on the easy setting. This is best attempted in a Test or Ashes match as you have infinite overs to make your attempt. Choose your best Bowler then have a partner who bowls balls that are easy to defend against, if by chance the ball is skied, make sure the fielders only catch balls that belong to your bowler of choice.

Note: It is best to attempt this trophy in an Ashes test as it helps with another Trophy Later on.

Difficulty: *

Nought and Nought



Type: Bronze

Description: Dismiss a batsman for a duck twice in a test match in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: First of all a “Duck” is what you call it when a batter is dismissed without scoring any runs. So to get this Trophy, you need to dismiss one batsman in the first innings for nought and the dismiss him again in the second innings for nought. This is actually not that hard, if you are good at bowling and are playing on easy, this should come naturally to you even without going for it, especially if in your first innings you managed to get the “Top Hat Trick” trophy, you will have at least 3 targets to aim for in the next innings. Try to pick on the tail enders as they are the ones with less batting abilities.

Note: It does not have to be with the same Bowler, run outs are allowed as long as the batsman of choice does not get any runs.

Difficulty: *

King Pair



Type: Silver

Description: Dismiss a batsman for a golden duck twice in a test match in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: Unlike “Nought and Nought” where you have unlimited balls to get your target out, in King Pair, you only get one chance each time. You have to get the batter out with the first delivery they face in each innings otherwise you will not receive the trophy. Once again, if you got “Top Hat Trick” in your first innings, you will have at least 3 targets to aim for in the next innings, if you get just one of them out first ball, the trophy is yours.

Note: If you manage to get a Batsman out without him facing any balls (thereby not scoring anything) the is known as a “Platinum Duck” but in the game it counts as a Golden Duck.

Difficulty: * (**** for the Purists)

Ashes Destroyer



Type: Gold

Description: Take 40 wickets in an Ashes series with a single bowler in single player.

Tips: This sounds daunting but when you consider you have 5 matches and 10 innings in total and a large amount of overs for your Bowler of choice to get all takes away any pressure that you might have had. Assuming you did the “If You Want Something Done Right” Trophy in an Ashes match, you are quarter of the way there already, just average about 3-4 wickets per innings with the Bowler who got you the IYWSDR trophy and this one is yours. If not then average 4 or more wickets per innings with any bowler and the trophy is yours.

Difficulty: * (** For the Purists)

Demolition With the Ball


Type: Silver

Description: Bowl the opponent out in 10 overs or less in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: If you are playing on easy and are proficient in bowling, this can be done easily after some practice. Aim to get this in a 20/20 or limited innings ODI match where batters are more aggressive as a result prone to mistakes. Be sure to mix up your bowling and your approach to keep the batters guessing. Your fielding also plays a key part in this trophy, no mistakes are allowed. You need to average a wicket per over to get this easily. If done correctly, you could easily score “Hat Trick” and to a lesser extent “Top Hat Trick” whilst attempting this one.

Difficulty: * ( ** For the Purists)

ODI Domination



Type: Silver

Description: Score 300 runs or more in an innings of an ODI match in single player or ranked online match.

Tips: This is not that hard actually, especially if you are playing on easy in a 25 or 50 overs match. Just be aggressive with the bat, watch for holes in fielding and don’t be afraid to go for a six once in a while especially with the more aggressive batters. If you apply the lessons learned in the tutorials, this should be a walkover.

Difficulty: *

Test Match Domination



Type: Gold

Description: Score 600 runs or more in an innings of a test match in single or ranked online match.

Tips: If you got the “Triple Ton” Trophy during a test match then you are halfway there, dare I say already there. If you are good at batting and know how to pick your shots, this should be easy. Take your time, Aggression is not always the answer. In a test match, you have all the time in the world to get all the runs so don’t rush things eventually you’ll make it easily.

Difficulty: * (** For the Purists)

10 Wicket Defeat



Type: Silver

Description: Win a Test Match by 10 wickets in a single player or ranked online match.

Tips this one is a little technical so here goes. In tests matches both sides get 2 chances to bat. To get this trophy, you will need to win the match on your second turn to bat without dropping any wickets. For example Team B bats first and gets 200 runs all out, Team A bats and gets 400 all out, Team B bats again scoring 200m all out, Team A bats again getting 1 run and no outs. Therefore Team A wins by 10 wickets. Combining everything you already know and this is doable.

Note: It is possible for Team A to bat first and still win by 10 wickets. For example, Team A bats firsts and gets 400, Team B bats and gets 199, Team A enforces the follow on, Team B bats again and gets 201, Team comes out to bat, gets 1 run and wins by 10 wickets.

Difficulty: *

Innings Defeat


Type: Silver

Description: Win a Test Match by an innings or more in a single player match or ranked online Match.

Tips: This Trophy is a little different to the “10 Wicket Defeat” trophy as it requires you to only bat once and your opponents twice. For example Team B bats and gets 99, Team A bats and gets 200, Team B bats again getting 99 runs, Team A wins by an innings and 2 runs. Applying all that you know so far and this one is all yours.

Note: If you bat first and your opponents are all out for more than 200 runs of your 1st innings total, you can enforce the follow on asking them to bat again, if you can defeat them without their combined total reaching yours, you will win this Trophy.

Difficulty: *

ODI Champions



Type: Gold

Description: Win a full-length ODI Tournament in single player.

Tips: Exactly as it says on the tin, win the tournament and it is yours, nothing else to add here as it is pretty much everything you know already.

Note: You can set the innings to “5 overs” to make things go quicker, you will still be able to get the trophy but do note that you must start from the quarter finals of the tournament otherwise you will not earn this trophy.

Difficulty: *

20 Overs Champions



Type: Gold

Description: Win a full-length 20 over Tournament in single player.

Tips: See above.

Difficulty: *

Ashes Champions



Type: Gold

Description: Win an Ashes series in single player.

Tips: Be advised, in reality it’s possible to tie Ashes matches but not in this game so unlike in real life where it’s the team with the highest number of wins, after 5 matches that wins the Ashes. Here it’s effectively first to 3 victories as ties in this game are near impossible.

Note: This is not a best of 5 competition, even if you achieve 3 wins in a row, you still need to play the last two matches, once again, simulating innings and matches switches off trophies and unlockables so best just to slug it out.

Difficulty: *

Right, comments and what not please

(Pictures were stolen borrowed from


Demolition with the Ball

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network


i still need to pick this up,i like a good cricket game,

is it any good this one,i played the last one on the ps2 from ea,

i'm too bogged down in rpg's at the moment to have time to play ashes cricket,but it's nice and cheap npw so will defo pick it up soon

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


To get the PC out, bowl full with spinners, they try and sweep and just get out all the time

it would be funny if they had online with this wouldn't it,

like 2 vs 2,where you could bat with your friend and play against two people bowling,lol

i doubt they'd bother though

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


There's online mode but I didn't use it so I can't comment on its quality.

Also, If you are familiar with the "Brian Lara" games from ps1 and 2 then it's pretty much the same thing, it's made by the same people. The control scheme is infinitely better than EA's in my opinion, much easier to understand.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

oh right,i assumed the ashes was the ea one,

yes i used to play brian lara cricket,a while back now

i think the last one i played on the ps2 was ea though,

there is usually 2 games knocking around,but cool i'll get this soon

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond