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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo Wars demo rocks - SPOILERS

Finally - finally! I got the code for the demo Wednesday afternoon and finally tried to download it early this morn - 1 a.m. No luck. Tried it again about 3ish - I know MS is on Pacific Time - and sweet - it recognized my code. However, it would time out repeatedly. Tried it again at 8ish today. Nada. Finally, at 1ish this afternoon, I downloaded it.

It's 1.4gbs and contains two levels. The game takes place 25 years before the first Halo.

It's a simple enough game - you just have to pay attention to what's going on around you.

What I liked most is building bases and conquering other areas. You'll get messages during the demo that a base or two are under attack from the Covenant. If you have your fortress armed to the teeth, you can pretty much leave it unattended.

You also have more options for equipment and personnel, depending on how you configure your base. For one base, I went with two reactors, a barrack, a vehicle warehouse, 3 supply pads and got a lot of upgrades. In another base, I went with 4 supply pads, a barrack, a vehicle warhouse and a reactor and didn't have the upgrades.

I will play it a few more times this weekend.

For first impressions, it's a lot easier than End War, and features some very good graphics, solid controls and will be a hit this year for MS.

After playing the demo, unless they go into a completely different direction, I think this title can really bring non-RTS gamers into the RTS fold. It doesn't have a lot of depth, but it's still fun.

I will be getting this game as soon as it drops.

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awesome :)





Good to hear, you lucky bastard.

What code!!!!!? Damnit I need to download this.


seece said:
What code!!!!!? Damnit I need to download this.

MS's PR firm e-mailed me and another staffer the demo code. The demo was put online today and is available if you have the redeem code.

Had I had a 360 debug kit, I could have had the full game a couple weeks ago.

Seriously, I had fun blasting the Covenant with deadly force.

You also have a few vehicle options, as well as soldier options. Some of the equipment can't be made until you raise your tech rank (by building reactors).

You can make regular Marines, flamethrowers and even do research to bring on new classes (I was able to make RPG soldiers).

The vehicle upgrades are ok - extra armor - but as you progress, you get more options and/or upgrades.

I ended the demo commanding 30 guys - including folks manning vehicles, 2 Scorpions, 2 Cobras, 2 Warthogs and a host of soldiers.

In one instance, a pilot radioed and said 'If you clear that pad, I'll drop you a gift.' Done. And she dropped in 4 more guys.

This game is going to be awesome. Not hyping it because I am a fan of the series, but the game is gonna be great.

By the way - the lead sergeant looks a lot like Shepherd in Mass Effect.


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madskillz said:
seece said:
What code!!!!!? Damnit I need to download this.

MS's PR firm e-mailed me and another staffer the demo code. The demo was put online today and is available if you have the redeem code.

Had I had a 360 debug kit, I could have had the full game a couple weeks ago.

Seriously, I had fun blasting the Covenant with deadly force.

You also have a few vehicle options, as well as soldier options. Some of the equipment can't be made until you raise your tech rank (by building reactors).

You can make regular Marines, flamethrowers and even do research to bring on new classes (I was able to make RPG soldiers).

The vehicle upgrades are ok - extra armor - but as you progress, you get more options and/or upgrades.

I ended the demo commanding 30 guys - including folks manning vehicles, 2 Scorpions, 2 Cobras, 2 Warthogs and a host of soldiers.

In one instance, a pilot radioed and said 'If you clear that pad, I'll drop you a gift.' Done. And she dropped in 4 more guys.

This game is going to be awesome. Not hyping it because I am a fan of the series, but the game is gonna be great.

By the way - the lead sergeant looks a lot like Shepherd in Mass Effect.


Awesome, you lucky guy!

Can I ask how it feels against other console RTS'?


Sounds good, can't to try the demo for myself.

Yes, I have the demo and this game is pretty amazing. Like seriously. It is the best RTS out there yet. Nothing like owning with the scarabs!

COOL, just as I thought. Has anyone else noticed the flood of rts games on the horizon??

this is awesome to hear i cant wait i already preorderd the collectors edition