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Forums - Sony Discussion - See Sony's motion controller in action...

Yes, it does exist, and there are videos to prove it.


PS3mote Update: See it in Action

Written by Sev1512

Disclaimer: The image above is a mock-up. To see the actual controller we are talking about, watch the videos at the end of the article. We also recommend you read our original report on the “PS3mote” so you fully understand what is being explained in this article.

The mysterious “PS3mote”, the Wii-mote-like PS3 controller that has been talked about numerous times over the past 2 years the PS3 has been released.  Every gamer knows the power of a controller like this.  The Nintendo Wii is the best selling console this generation, and let’s face it…  It’s because of the controller.  A controller that is so user friendly, that even grandma, and grandpa can pick it up, not be intimidated, and have a blast.  That’s the appeal, everyone has used a remote for their TV, their VCR, their DVD player.  The remote is an icon in American (and I am sure many other) culture.


This “PS3mote” has been rumored many times, in the past.  It has even had many different explanations of how it worked.  Whether it was a waggle controller, an FPS controller, or a “break apart” controller, it never was released, or shown to the public.  It has even been said that this “new” PS3 controller has made it to the hands of developers.

Even with all the different versions of this “new” PS3 controller, nothing has ever been seen or heard about it…  until now.

Back in June, we reported on a “PS3mote” that was being tested by a focus group behind closed doors.  NDA’s were signed but we had an insider willing to tell us all about the focus group, and the products being tested.  A controller was being tested for the PlayStation 3, that offered superior control to that of the Nintendo Wii’s.  The only drawback was that it involved the use of a tripod.

After all this time, still no controller has surfaced.  However something of interest has.  Back when we first broke the story of the focus group test, and the “PS3mote”, there were some details we left out.  We left it out well, because there was no evidence that such a name, company, technology, or entity existing under the name we were given.  In fact, we originally thought it may have just been a mock-up name for the “ps3mote”.

Since then, we haven’t given up our search for information on the “new” PS3 controller.  We have finally found what we believe was the technology being tested that day, by Sony.  While it appears that Sony has decided against using this technology, we wanted everyone to see what could have been…

During the focus group testing, there was a name across the top of one of the laptops, which again we thought was just a mock-up name.  The name was Sixense.  Back in June we scoured the net in search of something related to Sixense, and nothing turned up.  Well, after some serious sleuthing, we have finally found our Sixense.  If you head over to you will see the exactly what was tested that day, in the focus group.  A quick search will reveal that the site was created “21 Sep 2008 11:14:00″ which explains why we couldn’t find anything on it back in June, and dismissed it as a mock-up name.

So here it is in all of it’s glory.  What could have been and still might be the “PS3mote


Sixense TrueMotion Presentation Part 1

Sixense TrueMotion Presentation Part 2

Sixense Demo Highlights


Around the Network

So it's basically Wii Motion Plus.

That's awesome! Especially the lightsaber thing.

I do think that it's nothing WM+ can't handle, though, and unless Sony starts bundling these with PS3s, there won't be much in the way of compelling software for it.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Is this really that bad? Hope Sony won't release this.

So... Basiclly its a Wii mote sept its Shiny Black (Sony fave color it seems) Its made for and meshs well with a HD Console, which is something the Wii itseld doesnt due atm due to be HDless...

And...It doesnt look nearly as Fugly as it did in its beta?

Seems sweet, since i'll never own a Wii i wouldnt mind trying this with my PS3, although taking a 2nd thought im very frighted of the thing that made the Wii not good with the controls in the first place...

Remote WILL go FLYING! and when you own a HDTV (I dont my dad does) we dont like that.

So looks great, works great, but imo i'll pass because its spooky. :P

Note: Also now the Wii fanboys on gamespot cant bitch at me when they use there excuse when i explain the wiis graphics are crap compared to the PS3/360, basicly they always say after i note that. "WiiFanboys: Well the Wii has Innovation we dont use controllers like you PS3 and 360 Fanboy NOOBS we gotz teh skillz lolololol!!!11!!!1!

Lol please. :P

Around the Network

looks promising, could be a good thing, heck everyone loves the wii why not love this.


kungfusqurrel said:
looks promising, could be a good thing, heck everyone loves the wii why not love this.


Isnt it obvious? If any hardcore wii fanboy see's this they will automaticly claim Blasphemy and Copying and they wont admit its good, same thing with what MS did with the avatar system rip-off Mii's.

Come to think of it...Both Sony and MS have copyed nintendo to some degree in some points in this so-called next gen...

Hmmmm..... >_>


3d drawing was awesome.. still dont see a point though


Sure they do, but if Sony thinks that's enough for PS3 to prints money like Wii do - they are idiots. Personally, I don't care... sure they want their slice of the pie of casual market... but IF this's true and will be released (I still doubt it though) - I can't imagine a situation where Sony possibly could be more unoriginal and uninspired. Lack of own ideas? Nobody copyrighted idea of motion-sensing, it's free to use, it's already in use for many years, bring it into gaming, surprise, make something original... and Sony brought this... what a shame.

mai said:


Sure they do, but if Sony thinks that's enough for PS3 to prints money like Wii do - they are idiots. Personally, I don't care... sure they want their slice of the pie of casual market... but IF this's true and will be released (I still doubt it though) - I can't imagine a situation where Sony possibly could be more unoriginal and uninspired. Lack of own ideas? Nobody copyrighted idea of motion-sensing, it's free to use, it's already in use for many years, bring it into gaming, surprise, make something original... and Sony brought this... what a shame.


Oh and MS's Avatars are so Original? and the Wii's BC is original? Please...

