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Forums - Sony Discussion - ssj12 mysterious' game

The rules are simple just try to guess what amazing game(s) he is talking about. Don't know if he's joking though.

I'll stalk him and post every thing he says here

theres a ico title as well he says

Hints so far:

release: mid 2009

Japanese delvopers

Already announced, title as well

Not a fps

Not GoW3

not an ico title

DX9 Crysis(ico) and modified DX9 Crysis graphics(other).

not cellious nor namco

Title was announced before



"oh ya, I'm under an NDA. Wait till tomorrow. That bs article about a massive game being announced that looks better then KZ2 and R2 is true. What it is, you will find out. =]"


Oh, its a BIG game. And no it isnt an FPS or GOW3. Honestly I dont think much will be shown but a few random screen shots. The game is still in massive development but it already puts KZ2 to shame.

there are hints throughout this message but I wont tell. If just screens are shown at E3, wait for TGS.

Oh, WKS should be playable at E3 this year too. That I can say. =P"


Oh yes and it is by a Japanese dev too. Title announced ages ago too.

But Team ICO might show something, last I heard they are flipping coins for what event to announce their title.2


release date: actually, mid-2009 is what the birds are tell me.


sonyfanatic said:
I agree my name is a lie I have really started to give up on sony ever sincce the ps3 and the ff13 anouncment hurt me hard:(


just wait... you will eat those words, trust me. This game is basically Crysis level graphics. Scary to say, the PS3 is as strong as most current PCs.


Soriku said:

ssj12 said:
sonyfanatic said:
I agree my name is a lie I have really started to give up on sony ever sincce the ps3 and the ff13 anouncment hurt me hard:(


just wait... you will eat those words, trust me. This game is basically Crysis level graphics. Scary to say, the PS3 is as strong as most current PCs.



PS3 as strong as PCs? Sarcasm much? :P ssj am lying confirmed.

actually no, trust me, just wait



yep, dead serious. Oh, and ICo's title is basically Crysis on high =P


I have seen both with in-alpha screens


sorry if the post is messy i am just so tired.





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i honestly have no idea.

I guessed Starcraft and Diablo. Because he said huge game and then compared the Ps3 to a computer... I was thinking along the lines of PC exclusive going Ps3... but he said I was wrong.

japanese developers.

Rol suggests Gran Turismo 5.

Makes sense to me... but I doubt it's graphics can be compared to Crysis... unless you race on the jungle

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nope they will show more than just screenshots from gt5

he is full of it. Sony will have an average e3. That's it.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

perhaps, tomorrow will tell

He also said it was not a shooter.

Maybe someone hijacked his handle

One of the NCSoft games? Rumoured to use the CryEngine 2?

But they're Korean devs...