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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix press conference (FF13 on 360 not coming to Japan) liveblog

Kotaku liveblog of SE's press conference.

I didn't see a thread for it so here it is.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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So I guess it won't help the 360 in japan, but that is nice that it is multiplatform. I would like to see how well a main series FF stands on more than one platform. This generation is very different from previous ones.

Makes sense with the small 360 base in japan.

1:52 And the press has started! Both Kitase and Hashimoto have taken the stage.

1:53 It's an open mic Q&A

1:53 Dean Takahashi asked why they decided to end the exclusive with Sony.

1:55 Says Hashimoto: "We considered the hardware situation. Because of that, we considered the spread of the hardware, so that's why we decided that."

1:56 Question: How will the Xbox 360 and the PS3 versions be different?

1:57 Says Kitase: We planned on having the contents the same, but obviously the Blu-ray and the DVD will be different.

1:57 Asks Christian Nutt: We heard that people were pulled off different teams to work on this.

1:59 Kitase: "As for development, we are using Crystal Tools for development. We are using it for the PC base. We are making the game at a faster pace. We should be able to show new footage in the future."

2:00 Some question about something about the future of the series.

2:00 They only want to talk about FFXIII, so they don't know.

2:01 I ask: How many discs will it ship on?

2:01 Kitase says: "That's still undecided."

2:01 I ask: "About how many?"

2:02 He laughs and won't answer.

2:02 first they will finish ffxiii in japan. and then they will start localization for english.

2:03 at that point, they will start the xbox 360 development.

2:03 so says hashimoto.

2:04 he also adds that ff13 might not be released in the us and europe at the same time because of the language.

2:04 languages, rather.

2:05 kitase says they will try to make the us and the europe release as close as possible and try to make the euro release much faster.

2:05 shane from 1up ask about ff13 coming to japan on the xbox 360........

2:07 Hashimoto says something like "I think you are right [in assuming that it's not coming out in Japan]"

2:08 asked about the differences between the 360 and the ps3 differences (again)

2:09 Hashimoto pointed out that they have no plans to make the versions differences.

2:10 question: "Is the reason why the Japanese 360 version is not announced because of the hardware situation or some sort of contract arrangement?"

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Hmm interesting that it isn't on 360 in Japan...pretty sober decision. To make it worthwhile in Japan for 360 Microsoft probably would have had to pay ~$50m-$100m or more.

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- Lao Tzu

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Wow, my Versus XIII multiplat question got through.

Hashimoto said no (it's still exclusive).

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

This might have sold some 360s if they were going to release the 360 version in Japan.

ClaudeLv250 said:
Wow, my Versus XIII multiplat question got through.

Hashimoto said no (it's still exclusive).

At the moment.

first they will finish ffxiii in japan. and then they will start localization for english.
at that point, they will start the xbox 360 development.
so says hashimoto.
he also adds that ff13 might not be released in the us and europe at the same time because of the language

Timed exclusive everywhere else?

Why is Versus XIII exclusive? MS must of moneyhatted FFXIII.

So is FFXIII timed exclusive in NA and EU for PS3?