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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - My 360 just died in the weirdest way

I've had my 360 for 8 months and it was doing just fine when last friday I had to leave for a soccer tournament and when I came back just now I turned it on and it had the RRoD, and I thought, how does it die bieng left alone for 3 days, that makes no sense. how does not playing it kill it? 

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God only knows, spartan004, God only knows.

Maybe MS sent you that code over Wi-Fi that makes you send in your 360, so they can send you a new one and count it as a "unit shipped."

I suggest selling it and buying a PS3.

I know, I know, PS3 sucks right now.

Still, it'll get better. 360 will have RRoD forever.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


It's all a conspiracy!

But really, There's probably some strange reason why...

EDIT: Zen, stop messing with his head!!!




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
spartan004 said:
I've had my 360 for 8 months and it was doing just fine when last friday I had to leave for a soccer football tournament and when I came back just now I turned it on and it had the RRoD, and I thought, how does it die bieng left alone for 3 days, that makes no sense. how does not playing it kill it?

 oh no you didnt! fixed it for you lol.

That usually happens, most consoles give you the RrOd when your least expecting it. 

Also get your 360 fixed, get a PS3, and come play some Haze when it comes out ok?

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Zen -

Or you forget about Falcons, right? The ones that are more reliable than the shoddy 40gb models?

Or would you prefer to mind your own business in your own forum, since your really not a 360 supporter, and a typical Sony troll?

spartan - RRoD happens for any, and no reason. Mine RRoDed when I attempted to play PD0 over a year ago. Get yours replaced with the new Falcon, and never worry about RROD again!

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Zen -

Or you forget about Falcons, right? The ones that are more reliable than the shoddy 40gb models?

Or would you prefer to mind your own business in your own forum, since your really not a 360 supporter, and a typical Sony troll?

spartan - RRoD happens for any, and no reason. Mine RRoDed when I attempted to play PD0 over a year ago. Get yours replaced with the new Falcon, and never worry about RROD again!

 Ok I would agree that his comment was out of line ,but he really isn't a sony troll.

Something similar happend to me,but anyways I'm selling my 360 since the games don't appeal to me.

"Get yours replaced with the new Falcon, and never worry about RROD again!"

i can see that on a poster...

but anyway sucks that happened man. I would say more, but I don't wanna sound like a troll >_>

@ mrstickball

My cousin just got a 360 3 weeks ago, and it got the rrod, not surprisingly. His 360 must have had the falcon chip in it right? They really help.