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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Xbox360 arcade bundle (in France?)

Comme nous vous l'annoncions déjà ici Microsoft proposera dès le 15 mai prochain un nouveau bundle Xbox 360, qui comprendra la précieuse console dans sa version Core (donc sans disque dur), une carte mémoire 512 Mo, une manette sans fil, ainsi que les jeux Halo 3 et Project Gotham Racing 4. Le tout sera proposé au prix très attractif de 199€. Reste à savoir si Microsoft saura cette fois produire suffisamment de machines pour satisfaire la demande.




==> The 15th May 2008 (in France) :

Xbox360 Arcade + PGR4 + Halo3 = 199 EUROS

Not really casual, but VERY interesting ...

 EDIT : not sure if it online or retailer ...

Another link : Core + Halo3 + PGR4 + 512mo + 2nd paddle = 199 euros

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That would be AWESOME!!!!

Europe likes racers, and Microsoft goads them into awesome shooters as well.

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It makes sense, as the PS3 also has official bundles with two games (one of the popular combinations is R&C + Uncharted). I've seen them in Portugal and Sweden, don't know about other countries.

However, I think people don't really want the Arcade. Yeah, it's cheaper than the Wii, but people still prefer the Premium.


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Hi libellule. I know that since a lot of days, because for exemple of that:

On the pack, it's write: "édition limitée", so this deal, who is very impressive is a limited edition. I ask some questions about that, because delete his page about this new pack:

Here, the cache of google:

And now the actual page:

So, i ask me, if the pack is not cancelled.

Because, it's a very very impressive deal, maybe microsoft give up the idea of this pack, because, it's a strategy of someone who has lost the battle against the ps3.


Note: i would like to speak about this bundle before, but i don't do it, because,, the first who speak about this bundle, has delete his page about him.

That is actually the biggest problem of the Xox360 ... and it is called "Wii is better aimed for casual".
If they solve it, increasing the value for the casuals, they will double their sales everywhere (it may triple in Japan lol)

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wow, strange ...

how do you to get the "old" page ? I bet it is not automatic !

Time to Work !

NJ5 I think your right in terms of the adult gamer. But if MS release decent Cartoon games like BK3 then Arcade + it's excellent price will appeal to Mums and dads buying for their kids. Ages 6 - 14. If they can make the Wii60 mote with some good games then they may get some decent sales in that market.

The 360 Arcade console will not improve sales in France. The 360 consoles with HDD are much more popular.

libellule said:

wow, strange ...

how do you to get the "old" page ? I bet it is not automatic !

You use google, and you find the page. You take the cache of the page, and you see her.

For the rest, we must wait to see if others retailer will do the same as alapage or not.

Micromania speak about this pack too. 


Rock_on_2008 said:
The 360 Arcade console will not improve sales in France. The 360 consoles with HDD are much more popular.

 Not right in France. It's really the arcade pack which sell the most of all sku.