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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the 360 in trouble?

Considering its main rival in the HD video game market the PS3 has been consistently outselling the XBox 360 in the past 20 weeks by around about 50000 units per week. The PS3 is well and truly on the rise with the 360 struggling despite having improved upon numbers same time last year. Well for the Wii is in a league of its own outselling the combined totals of the PS3 and XBox 360. Portables PSP and DS are both selling extremely well due to being less than half the price of the cheapest consoles.

So how do you people believe the 360 will do for the remainder of the year?

Besides GTA 4 which is also on the PS3. The only other system seller AAA title for the 360 in 2008 is Gears of War 2 is out in November. Fable 2 and Banjo-Kazooie 3 will sell well but are not system sellers. On the other hand the PS3 has a large amount of system seller AAA titles due out in 2008 including GT 5:Prologue, MGS 4, GTA 4, Resistance 2, SOCOM:Confrontation, White Knight Chronicles and Kill Zone 2.

Would a price cut in the Americas of $50 on every XBox 360 SKU help out much?

BTW I hate every region MS claims 360 shortages. That is such a lame excuse for poor sales and lack of demand for 360.

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You can't include WKS and SOCOM as system sellers and leave out Fable 2.

OT: Yes the 360 is in trouble, but then it was always destined for 3rd place. It will improve sales wise over the original xbox, so not too bad in the end.

tombi123 said:
You can't include WKS and SOCOM as system sellers and leave out Fable 2.

OT: Yes the 360 is in trouble, but then it was always destined for 3rd place. It will improve sales wise over the original xbox, so not too bad in the end.

The 360 is certainly not in trouble.  It's selling better than it was last year, despite the minimum US entry price for the console only coming down $30 since launch.  

It also has a line-up as least as good as the PS3's this year, arguably better depending on what genre your into and whether KZ2 turns out to be any good.

I might add that the PS3's minimum entry point has come down $100 since it's more recent launch, $200 dollars if you include the period before the 40GB hit where the 20GB had been withdrawn. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

GTA4 and USA price cuts are the remaining weapons, and powerful weapons they are (preferably both together). Pretty soon, we'll see how it goes.

In terms of HD consoles, we may well end up in a situation where PS3 wins Europe, 360 wins America, and both are practically dead in Japan (save for a few hardcore games which sell poor to average).

Don't expect to see developers massively shifting their software support between those two consoles. PS3/360's userbases will never be different enough to warrant supporting one of them with exclusives (except when Sony or MS moneyhat developers of course).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

It will struggle until new AAA games are released. And that may take a while as they need to be announced first. So probably not til next year and by then it may be over.



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I don't think MS ever expected to become profitable with the 360 anyway , the best they can hope is that they break even and use the 720 to achieve 1st place with a proven brand name and more experience in the industry.

I think the new XBox would be called XBox 480. rumour has that a new XBox is well in development and it will have a Blu ray disc system in it, hard drive to be replaced with third party hard drives. MS only hard drives was a huge mistake on the 360.

Rock_on_2008 , I will get 1 year ban from vgchartz if PS3 pass 360 by the end of the year. I give no chance for this purpose...

Rock why do you think that. Or am I missing sum joke here.



It is a given that the 360 will improve upon the sales of the original xbox by a healthy margin, but i also think it is destined for 3rd place! A respectable 3rd though :P