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Forums - Gaming Discussion - God Of War, Ninja Gaiden, or Devil May Cry

rank each franchise from best to worst and give reasons

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1. God of War

2. Devil May Cry/Ninja Gaiden - tie

I haven't played very much DMC, but what I have played has been hit and miss. I enjoyed what I played of DMC3, but the DMC4 demo was pretty mediocre. As for Ninja Gaiden, I enjoyed the NGS demo, but I haven't really played much else.

I love God of War, mostly because Kratos is such a badass. :P

1 - GoW: Frickin amazing

2 - DMC: Didn't play that much but what I did play was awesome

3 - NG: Didn't like it that much

1. God of War - Its made of win and badass.

2. Devil May Cry - Tried the demo for DMC4, thought it was alright.

3. Ninja Gaiden - Tried the demo for Sigma and I hated it.

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1. Ninja Gaiden by a long shot. Like, not even in the same league.

2. GoW only played for a few hours but it was still awesome.

3. DMC: never played it but the general consensus is that it's not as good as the other two.

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Ninja Gaiden. The deepest combat system, by far.

The other two - eh.

well only played GoW1/2 and 15 min of DMC3 on PC

About NG, the only thing I can say : main charatcer design sucks

But I can't compare game that I never played ...

Time to Work !

god of war is amazing, the story line destroys the other two's. Also the gameplay goes to god of war as well, even though its a hack and slash type of game, its an amazing hack and slash game.

devil may cry- the series is great not as good as god of war, but great non the less.

ninja gaiden- its to hard, and gets repetative sometimes, but its still a great game nearly as good as devil may cry.


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This is really hard for me because i love all 3 so much.

1. Ninja Gaiden, because it has the best fighting system and really pushed me to be a better player.

2.Devil May Cry, because Dante is so bad ass. i also really liked the story. The only reason its not number 1 was because DMC2 was such a let down. The demo for part 4 looks like part 4 will be pretty good as well.

3. GoW, its a well put together game that got better with the sequal. A great game in it's own right.

libellule said:
About NG, the only thing I can say : main charatcer design sucks

Well, not every action hero can look like they hired Helen Keller as their tailor or appear like Mr. Clean after falling into a vat of white body paint (while naked).


He's a ninja, fer cryin' out loud. Sorry if his outfit doesn't attract an audience. 

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