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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix; Unannounced game will “blow your socks off”

Unannounced Square Enix game will “blow your socks off”

Have socks? Of course you do, that’s a silly question. Best keep them in a safe place if you don’t want them blown away, mind.

Square Enix’s director of business development and executive producer on Supreme Commander 2, David Hoffman, says a new game he’s working on – Project X – will “blow” some “socks off”.

[I'm] knee deep in review for project X,” he tweeted. “When revealed it will blow your socks off! The media thought SE and [Gas Powered Games] was interesting – just wait!”

E3, anyone? It begins five weeks tomorrow, just so you know.

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Any ideas of what game it is? Besides a Final Fantasy VII remake of course.

If FFXIII is anything to go by, I doubt it...

Socks wouldn't be the best way to describe it.... I would blow a LOAD off!!!!

I mean, there are times when I would blow a load off into a sock, but that wouldn't pertain here. A sock wouldn't be needed at all!! This news might be underwear wetting worthy.


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Has any sock blowing off announcement really ever blown any socks off? I think FFXIII going to 360 blew some minds and caused some unnatural bearing of kittens. But other than that...?

So project X: if it was FFvsXIII -> 360 would be sock disintegrating; KH3 360 exclusive would cause spontaneous combustion of socks; would a DQ announcement of some description other than relating to the DS be detrimental to socks?

The only really sock endangering sort of thing I can imagine project X being is relating to a game franchise not formerly existent on 360 going to 360 either in multiplat or exclusive form. Other than that it'll be more like "Oh, that's pretty cool".

One of the early FF's being re-made might cause some jizzing in pants, but that's an entirely different sort of reaction. But being re-made exclusive for 360, now that's a biggie. See how the 360 dynamic takes a SE secret project to an entirely different level?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Thinking about it just now, I realized that I've only been truly impressed once this generation. That's kinda sad.

Laundry Mama.

New Chrono game. Oh wait... When was the last time Square-Enix blow our socks off? E3 2008, anyone? :(

remove the S and put the C in front!!

(ok i'm outa here.... but it fits with project X...)