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themanwithnoname said:
mrstickball said:
Im 2 hours in.

Any questions that need answered?

Quasi-spoilerish (nothing to do with story).

You get HUGE bonuses for importing a ME1 character.

Well, how is it without saying anything spoilerish?

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 9 being Mass Effect, it's about a 9.9.

Almost everything about the game is better. The only two little things I can see that I dislike are is the fact that ammo is now limited. I haven't got far enough into the game to see if there's an explanation for that, but it does irk me as infinite ammo was a pretty major codex point in ME1.

The other complaint is loading times so far.

However, every other aspect of the game is a 11 out of 10. Graphics, sound, story, combat.

I also must say that the care they took in concerns to ME1 is overwhelming. I imported a character from ME1, and there have been probably a dozen references to things I've done in ME1. Not generic ME1 stuff, but character-specific stuff in ME1.

Going even further than that, they've referenced optional missions I did in ME1.

Stuff like that so far is making the game awesome, IMO. If the game keeps up like this for however long it is, then it'll probably be my favorite game of the generation.



And having said that, 2 hours in, the game is throwing a lot more concepts at you than ME1 did. I am unsure if this is because I imported my character, and it caused the game to skip some optional stuff, but the start of the game is a lot more insane than Normandy>Eden Prime.

Not too spoilerish, but the kinds of questions you'd want to ask within 5 minutes of ME2 are pretty much answered as soon as humanly possible like "Where the heck is my ME1 crew?" and "Where can I find them?".



As for importing my ME1 character, you get the following bonuses (I used a level 60 paragon):

  • Auto-level to level 5 (instead of 1)
  • 100,000 extra credits
  • New weaponry
  • New armor (I believe).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.