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Oct-Dec Totals/ LTD as of December 2009


PS2 - ? / ?

DS - 11.65m  / 125.13m

Wii - 11.31m / 67.45m

PSP - ? / ?

X360 ~5.50m / ~39.0m

PS3 - ? / ?


PS2 - ? / ?

DS - 50.22m / 688.29m

Wii - 80.50m / 509.66m

X360 ~ 52m? / 343m?

PS3 - ? / ?

PSP - ? / ?


PS3/PSP/PS2 figures through September 2009 can be seen earlier in the thread, data through December 2009 hasn't come in just yet.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu