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Prediction League > Results

Weekly Others Chart, 06th December 2008


Item Average Bets Actual Accuracy
Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii) 99,694 vg$890 81,728 78.02%
Fire Emblem: New Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light (DS) 0 vg$0 Cancelled 0%
Prince of Persia (PS3) 78,608 vg$435 49,871 42.38%
Prince of Persia (X360) 87,253 vg$400 38,307 0%
Wii Music (Wii) 72,420 vg$2,100 91,114 79.48%
Wii Fit (Wii) 141,345 vg$3,270 263,362 53.67%
Call of Duty: World at War (X360) 72,731 vg$340 120,140 60.54%
PES 2009: Pro Evolution Soccer (PS2) 54,257 vg$1,610 89,451 60.66%
Gears of War 2 (X360) 59,547 vg$1,030 94,980 62.69%
Need for Speed: Undercover (PS3) 44,099 vg$1,930 78,460 56.21%
487,909 vg$ 5,670 879,699 55.46%
333,848 vg$ 3,215 608,523 54.86%
222,671 vg$ 3,220 319,586 69.67%
125,353 vg$ 2,530 173,910 72.08%
89,472 vg$ 3,955 182,039 49.15%

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Top predictors for this round

Rank User Bet Accuracy Winnings WinPercent
1 nordlead vg$9,020 69.35% vg$3,291 36%
2 zexen_lowe vg$5,570 65.86% vg$1,903 34%
3 kirby007 vg$2,750 67.84% vg$1,092 40%
4 c0rd vg$1,065 90.21% vg$677 64%
5 cs-manager vg$1,495 71.12% vg$556 37%
6 chapset vg$1,240 66.27% vg$541 44%
7 stovo vg$1,065 6.59% vg$471 44%
8 Tbone vg$1,180 65.75% vg$455 39%
9 X-ibit vg$1,455 60.31% vg$296 20%
10 zoppo vg$705 69.34% vg$235 33%
11 darksquall2 vg$855 6.99% vg$133 16%
12 iamalmighty vg$365 6.47% vg$112 31%
13 godemperor vg$510 51.97% vg$93 18%
14 SMcc1887 vg$455 56.78% vg$92 20%
15 toastboy44562 vg$200 59.52% vg$63 32%
16 Noodles vg$220 68.98% vg$50 23%
17 BD40 vg$265 59.19% vg$41 15%
18 Majin-Tenshinhan vg$80 84.12% vg$29 36%
19 fastyxx vg$130 60.51% vg$27 21%
20 mouldtooth vg$70 71.19% vg$18 26%
21 dreamcast210 vg$100 64.66% vg$16 16%
22 Zlejedi vg$70 61.57% vg$11 16%
23 Smashchu2 vg$80 64.26% vg$11 14%
24 bobbo19 vg$150 51.06% vg$5 3%
25 jamesearlcash vg$70 46.07% vg$-1 -1%
26 sep85dd vg$70 40.55% vg$-5 -7%
27 sexybeast vg$140 6.37% vg$-12 -9%
28 kimsim vg$70 30.27% vg$-13 -19%
29 pleonexia vg$70 22.92% vg$-19 -27%
30 VeKi vg$100 11.86% vg$-21 -21%
31 pezboy92 vg$70 6.17% vg$-32 -46%
32 CONMAN15 vg$70 5.55% vg$-32 -46%
33 fallenjoy vg$80 0.00% vg$-38 -48%
34 Snooty vg$105 0.00% vg$-50 -48%
35 dhummel vg$155 44.53% vg$-58 -37%
36 ga_mugiwara vg$500 0.33% vg$-224 -45%