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Prediction League > Prediction

Weekly America Chart, 03rd July 2009 - Predictions by: dxc

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (X360) 47,000 vg$ 5 50,901 92.34%
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PS3) 31,000 vg$ 5 38,301 80.94%
Blazblue (X360) 6,800 vg$ 5 48,619 13.99%
Mega Man Star Force 3 (DS) 25,500 vg$ 5 9,214 0%
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Wii) 15,600 vg$ 5 8,574 18.05%
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (X360) 61,200 vg$ 5 31,704 6.96%
UFC 2009 Undisputed (X360) 39,000 vg$ 40 48,163 80.98%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) 33,400 vg$ 40 36,567 91.34%
Pokemon Platinum (DS) 30,500 vg$ 40 27,915 90.74%
Prototype (PS3) 22,300 vg$ 40 22,368 99.7%
187,000 vg$ 100 169,209 89.49%
96,000 vg$ 175 81,308 81.93%
52,000 vg$ 200 48,668 93.15%
42,000 vg$ 200 34,633 78.73%
32,000 vg$ 200 36,789 86.98%

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