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Review Scores

VGChartz Score




SCE Japan Studio



Release Dates

09/10/13 Sony Computer Entertainment America
09/05/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/11/13 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 22
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (18)

1 8,616 n/a n/a 8,616
2 3,707 11,811 7,387 5,245 28,150
3 1,410 3,992 2,358 1,750 9,510
4 835 1,296 1,408 675 4,214
5 630 696 1,445 477 3,248
6 505 794 1,227 474 3,000
7 429 924 1,014 483 2,850
8 370 1,392 1,119 659 3,540
9 344 2,795 953 1,110 5,202
10 320 2,343 948 954 4,565
Terraqueous posted 19/06/2016, 09:37
One of the Best games I've Played 10/10
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Wonktonodi posted 28/01/2014, 07:13
This games is so amazing. Bought it twice now. Hope with digital it's much higher now especially with how many times they put it for 20 or less hopefully people tried it on a whim.
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DarkFury posted 12/11/2013, 02:14
This bombed unbelievably hard. Now I am gonna get it, gotta try to support originality. Not that 1 sale is gonna make any difference, these numbers are horrible.
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Azhraell posted 01/11/2013, 02:30
This game deserves millions of sales. I'm still amazed with it
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 15/10/2013, 04:42
D only thing in the minds of PS3/360 gamers right now is GTA 5, it seems, which is terrible. I personally, would take Puppeteer over GTA 5 any day! Where the fuck r all the platform gaming fans???!!! Don't they want anything different and fresher than just Mario, Mario, Mario, and more fucking Mario 4 a change?!! >=\
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PlayMatt posted 28/09/2013, 08:41
Deserves better sales
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