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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

ドンキーコング トロピカルフリーズ


Retro Studios



Other Versions

All, NS

Release Dates

02/21/14 Nintendo
02/13/14 Nintendo
02/21/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 71
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,020,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2020

Opinion (130)

DolPhanTendo posted 02/12/2015, 10:38
1.21 million those legs are long and sexy wonder if it jumps to 1.4 by the end of year
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Proxy-Pie posted 02/04/2015, 09:11
Awesome game, well deserved sales.
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atomicblue posted 11/02/2015, 10:13
Yay, well done DKC:TF! Still my fave Wii U game.

P.S. For all those people saying "it's not what Nintendo fans wanted"... the best selling MP game sold a little under 3m in its entire lifetime, and I suspect probably had a similar first year to this game. Don't make the mistake of assuming that an extremely vocal group on the Internet represents the majority.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 05/02/2015, 02:36
A game this amazing deserves to be a multi-million seller.
The Wii U deserves better sales in general.
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Fededx posted 05/02/2015, 12:38
Million seller, finally! My favourite Wii U game to date, totally deserved!
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Paatar posted 04/02/2015, 11:28
Pikmin, that was of 17th of Jan. It is now the 4th of Feb. The 18th of Jan I am sure the other 28 games were bought. :) So yes, 1mil.
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