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United Front Games



Release Dates

11/06/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
01/17/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/09/12 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 9
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (21)

1 n/a 55,285 13,762 13,613 82,660
2 n/a 16,611 15,013 8,320 39,944
3 n/a 17,856 12,239 8,107 38,202
4 n/a 14,603 14,490 7,374 36,467
5 n/a 20,008 19,721 10,081 49,810
6 n/a 23,192 29,613 12,806 65,611
7 n/a 25,074 24,218 12,551 61,843
8 n/a 10,110 13,688 5,713 29,511
9 n/a 4,636 5,481 2,488 12,605
10 n/a 3,219 2,925 1,581 7,725
Mr Puggsly posted 04/03/2016, 12:11
Saw this in my collection of PS3 downloads so I decided to give it a try.

My first impression of this game was they cloned Sega All Star Racing mechanics. I don't hate that because enjoy that game. But this game fails to do anything truly unique outside of its charm. At the very least the Story content is enjoyable and encourages you to play.
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PlayMatt posted 22/10/2013, 04:50

Indeed and it was one of the best (if not the best) Karting game ever! CTR
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Cosmo posted 01/08/2013, 06:50
The game needed more time in development but it is still fun.
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atma998 posted 17/01/2013, 04:07

No, crappy sales.
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Kresnik posted 14/01/2013, 07:58
What happened? Games & peripherals were created?

In which case yes. Yes they were.
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atma998 posted 08/01/2013, 04:08
This is what happens when Sony try to copy Nintendo. Move, PS Battle Royal and now this...
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