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Review Scores




Sumo Digital



Other Versions

PS3, X360, PC, PSP, PSN, PSN

Release Dates

11/17/09 Codemasters
12/17/09 Codemasters
11/20/09 Codemasters

Community Stats

Owners: 23
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (46)

1 n/a 10,796 49,879 10,025 70,700
2 n/a 16,845 50,137 11,135 78,117
3 n/a 13,660 61,152 12,366 87,178
4 n/a 16,879 58,811 12,553 88,243
5 n/a 21,924 43,699 10,983 76,606
6 n/a 28,188 35,100 10,688 73,976
7 n/a 10,759 15,860 4,481 31,100
8 n/a 4,263 6,183 1,759 12,205
9 n/a 2,428 4,246 1,119 7,793
10 n/a 1,683 3,009 787 5,479
atma998 posted 19/09/2011, 04:22
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masschamber posted 14/02/2011, 04:09
going to pick this up next time I see it, but hopefully codemasters learned a lesson here, don't realease a wii version and a twins version at the same time, you can either have it sell well on everything or you can sack the wii vesion by releasing it as a gimped version of the HD game, I bet will see F1 11 on the wii, f1 12 on the twins, f1 13 as a next gen title
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Monteblanco posted 23/05/2010, 10:43
@Palancas7: Codemaster already stated in their forums that F1 2010 will not be released in the Wii. Considering the Wii's 2009 version sold roughly as well as any of the hd versions of Dirt 2 (the wii version of Dirt 2 sold proportionally to the quality of the game), it seems that Codemasters really expect that most F1 fans are really in gaming and also have a HD console. That, or they are not too fans of making money in a much cheaper to develop platform that sells as well as the others.
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palancas7 posted 28/04/2010, 02:41
@Chrizum : Yup. It's not really a simulator.
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Chrizum posted 27/04/2010, 10:32
600k. Not bad. Should I pick it up if I'm a casual racing fan? (I like a bit of simulation as well, but it should be pick up and play)
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sorento posted 12/02/2010, 11:48
and shortage in other.

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