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Review Scores

Alternative Names

The Legend of Zelda 2 Rinku no Bōken


Nintendo EAD



Other Versions


Release Dates

09/01/88 Nintendo
01/14/87 Nintendo
09/26/88 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 340
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

4,380,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2003

Opinion (20)

Kakadu18 posted 28/04/2022, 07:47
The only Nintendo game I've played that I really hate and the least fun I had with any game in my childhood. A disgrace to my favorite franchise.
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Kai Master posted 03/03/2010, 10:41
"I am Error" and I'm the terror that freezed PS3's, ahahahah!!! ahem... I loved this game, never understand such low sentiments. My 2 brothers were disappointed at the time too, maybe I preferred the 1 but that's still a great game.
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c0rd posted 28/01/2010, 06:11
Finally beat this game about 2 months ago (never managed to as a kid).

That final temple is rough. When that massive, oversized blue slime came down, man... Scared the shit outta me!
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bigjon posted 31/12/2008, 05:44
WW replaced this as the black sheep of the Zelda series.
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Sylvain316 posted 14/12/2008, 09:48
Zelda 2 was different, fun and challenging... I remembered finish that game 20 years ago !!
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LPgirl435 posted 18/09/2008, 11:11
i didnt realize this game was so challenging compared to the others! i first tried to play this game when i was like 6 but couldnt get through any of it... after that i was just like screw zelda

maybe ill give it another shot
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