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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

スーパーマリオギャラクシー 2


Nintendo EAD Tokyo



Release Dates

05/23/10 Nintendo
05/27/10 Nintendo
06/11/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,456
Favorite: 186
Tracked: 18
Wishlist: 80
Now Playing: 55

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

7,410,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (187)

Keybladewielder posted 26/10/2017, 07:08
This game is a masterpiece
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Junkrixx posted 06/12/2015, 02:46
7.5 M!!! Yes!
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Junkrixx posted 20/09/2015, 01:20
Nearly 70k this year for the moment!
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Ryng posted 23/03/2015, 01:47
My favourite exclusive for Wii.
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Munchies posted 04/02/2015, 11:24
Why doesn't this have a 100% attach rate?
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drake_tolu posted 09/07/2014, 02:37
7,500,000 lifetime, maybe 8,000,000.
Fantastich game, better exclusive for Wii U.
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