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Digital Illusions



Release Dates

11/21/05 Electronic Arts
11/24/05 Electronic Arts
11/25/05 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 49
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Easy escape
Use the following trick to easily escape or get over barriers fast. You must have the grappling hook. If you find yourself outnumbered or on low health and need to get out of an area quickly, run and find a corrugated steel wall or any other high barrier. Throw the hook over the top. Climb over and the game will instantly transport you to the other side . As you run away, press G to gather up the hook and delay the pursuers greatly. The majority of times, the enemy will just give up chasing you.
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Shipping Total

800,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2006

Opinion (2)

scottsdone posted 13/03/2010, 10:36
Very true. Then again, all the expansions were pretty dead.
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Strategyking92 posted 20/06/2009, 06:54
hardly anybody played this even when it first came out!
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