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Firaxis Games



Release Dates

10/25/05 2K Games
06/17/06 CyberFront
11/04/05 2K Games

Community Stats

Owners: 814
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:



Debug Codes

Open the "civ4config" file found in your Sid Meire's Civilization IV install directory (Default is "C:Documents and SettingsOwnerApplication DataFiraxis GamesSid Meier's Civilization 4") find "cheatmode = 0", change it to "cheatmode = chipotle". During any game, open the console by pressing the tilda key "~", and type in one of the following then pressing enter.

Console.ClearClear the console
App.crashCrashes game
Game.showWBPalette bool bCreateDebugging
helpDisplays all console codes
Console.HistoryDump console command history
Game.AIPlay Forces AI to plat a certain number of turns
Profile.morphGlobe Morph the globeview count times.
Profile.rebuildCity , , Rebuild city indicated number of times
Profile.rebuildPlot , , Rebuild plot indicated number of times
Graphics.ReBuildTerrainRebuilds terrain and lighting
Xml.reloadArtDefinesReload Civ4ArtDefines.xml
Xml.reloadLandscapeInfoReload Civ4TerrainSettings.xml
Xml.reloadGameTextReload Game Text xml files
Sound.reloadReloads audio scripts
Graphics.SetHillScale Sets hills' scale
Graphics.SetPeakScale Sets peaks' scale
Player.setGold , Sets players gold (0 is active player)
Sound.noMusicStops music
Sound.stopSoundScapeStops soundscapes from playing
Game.toggleTextureAccessInfoToggle output of texture loads/accesses to debug output
Console.CreateDocumentation Writes HTML documentation for the current console commands
Code Effect
Back to Cheats

Shipping Total

3,000,000 Units
As of: 2008

Opinion (15)

markimsoad posted 26/11/2010, 04:50
amazing great strategy for turns :)
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:25
WARNING: once you atart, you will not be able to leave until you are done. If you can, somthing is wrong with you
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Spedfrom posted 24/05/2009, 04:34
I still play it very regularly. You can't beat gameplay such as this.
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supermario128 posted 17/01/2009, 10:26
Great game!
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Goodfella posted 24/12/2008, 11:28
This game is crack. 10/10
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aavidbacon posted 20/08/2008, 01:29
best strategy game since 2005.
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