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Release Dates

08/01/91 Konami
12/21/90 Konami
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Community Stats

Owners: 47
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 1

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Bonus Stages
There are five bonus stages in the game. Here is how to access each one: Stage 2 - When you see a hole in the wall at the bottom of the screen, fly down there. Prerequisite: None Stage 3 - When you reach the lower level of the stage, there is a platform in the ceiling that drops down. When it drops down, fly just below the part where the platform was. Prerequisite: Destroy all of the ground targets in the stage up to that point. Stage 4 - In the last set of Maoi heads (they look like Easter Island heads), there is one laying down which will lift itself up. Fly behind it. Prerequisite: Nothing must be highlighted on your power-up bar. Stage 5 - Fly just below the ceiling before the narrow corridor. Prerequisite: The hundreds digit of your score reads 5, 7, or 3. Stage 7 - Just after the long downward slope in the second half of the level, stay close to the ground and fly into the wall formation that like zig-zags up and down. Prerequisite: Unknown When you clear a bonus stage, you will end up in the next level. That's right, you don't have to fight the boss of the level you were in previously. However, if you get killed in the bonus stage, you will be taken back to the regular level, and will not be able to reenter the bonus stage.
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Opinion (2)

akuseru posted 30/04/2010, 12:08

I second that!!
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trestres posted 13/08/2008, 05:29
Best side scroller shooter I've ever played!
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