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Alternative Names

Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari

サモンナイト クラフトソード物語





Release Dates

07/26/06 Atlus
04/25/03 Banpresto
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 16
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

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All the items


Summon Night - Swordcraft Story
Item List - Version 1.0
By avinduhewa

This is just a list with all items from the game, with each
forgeable propreties. Very handy if you're trying to collect
each item of the game or you're hunting materials for forging
your techniques.

This list is free for personal use only. And is published on
GameFAQs only. If you're seeing this list anywhere else,
you're invited to visit, a much better
site for game hints, tips and walkthrougs.

Item : Silturn Water
Information: Recovers 100 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Fir+01 Wat+01

Item : Wheatgrass Juice
Information: Recovers 200 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Wat+02 Win+02

Item : Banana Smoothie
Information: Recovers 300 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Wat+03 Win+03

Item : Tomato Juice
Information: Recovers 400 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Fir+04 Win+04

Item : Bandage
Information: Recovers 150 HP
Proprieties: Fir+03

Item : Kicker Potion
Information: Recovers 500 HP
Proprieties: Fir+03 Win+03

Item : Klotzen Potion
Information: Recovers 800 HP
Proprieties: Lgt+04 Fir+04 Wat+04 Win+04

Item : Med Kit
Information: Recovers full HP/Activates when 0 HP
Proprieties: Lgt+10 Fir+10 Wat+10 Win+10

Item : Amulet
Information: Lowers encounters with creatures
Proprieties: Fir+03 Wat+03

Item : Summon Charm
Information: Raises encounters with creatures
Proprieties: Lgt+03 Win+03

Item : Mild Spice
Information: Recovers 500 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Fir+05 Wat+05

Item : Red Hot Spice
Information: Recovers 600 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Wat+05 Win+05

Item : Naam Bread
Information: Recovers 800 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Lgt+05 Win+05

Item : Mild Curry
Information: Recovers 1200 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Lgt+05 Fir+05 Wat+05 Win+05

Item : Red Hot Curry
Information: Recovers 2000 HP/Cant be equiped
Proprieties: Lgt+10 Fir+10 Wat+10 Win+10

Item : Weapon Shard (S)
Information: Can only be used as materials
Proprieties: Fir+01 Win+01

Item : Weapon Shard (M)
Information: Can only be used as materials
Proprieties: Lgt+01 Fir+01... 

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Opinion (1)

Mad55 posted 04/07/2011, 05:26
not a bad game.
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