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Pivotal Games



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All, GC, PC, PS2

Release Dates

09/30/02 Gotham Games
(Add Date)
09/13/02 SCi

Community Stats

Owners: 8
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Wishlist: 1
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Cheat mode

When you see a tank (for example, the one directly in front of you at the start of Scud Alley), take two people, Foley and Jones. Have Foley shoot out the gunner. The turret should then rotate a full 360 degrees as if it were checking where the shot came from. At this point, switch to Jones and run straight at the tank. It is essential that you reach the tank as soon as possible. As soon as you reach it, lay down. Foley should snipe off the advancing soldiers. As you are behind the tank, they do not hit you and instead cause damage to the tank. Plant a C4 and detonate it. Just let Jones blow up with it. Jones will be dead on the floor behind a tank (in cover, which is useful). At this point, switch to Bradley and have everyone follow him. Rush forward using the tank for cover, shooting as you run then heal Jones. This trick can be used for just about any tank, even moving ones. Just run up behind them, fire a shot at the back of them and they will stop, allowing you to plant the explosive. To kill tanks easily, equip a mine and plant it directly in front of it. Note: You will die doing this; make sure you have another soldier ready to heal you.

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Opinion (1)

DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 23/03/2016, 12:34
One of the best 4 player co op's ever Bradley Wiggins (Team leader) Foley (Sniper and mrs Foley's baby boy) Conners (LMG astala vista baby) and Jones (Useless C4 prick)
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