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Ubisoft Montreal



Other Versions

PS4, XOne

Release Dates

11/11/14 Ubisoft
12/04/14 Ubisoft
11/13/14 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 7
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once-magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestone streets run red with the blood of commoners who dared to rise up against the oppressive aristocracy. As the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark on an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin.

Introducing Assassin’s Creed Unity, the next-gen evolution of the blockbuster franchise powered by an all-new game engine. From the storming of the Bastille to the execution of King Louis XVI, experience the French Revolution as never before, and help the people of France carve an entirely new destiny.

Source: Ubisoft Store.

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Latest Updates

Game Summary added to Database Machina 31st Jan 2020
Game Summary added to Database cycycychris 27th Jul 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 03rd Jun 2019

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (0)

1 n/a 36,777 72,396 12,375 121,548
2 n/a 12,644 18,743 3,886 35,273
3 n/a 11,092 14,609 3,298 28,999
4 n/a 7,117 17,932 2,630 27,679
5 n/a 8,759 19,242 3,068 31,069
6 n/a 11,941 22,456 3,955 38,352
7 n/a 7,454 16,665 2,628 26,747
8 n/a 1,981 5,194 744 7,919
9 n/a 483 3,341 306 4,130
10 n/a 327 2,546 224 3,097
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