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PS2, Wii, X360

Release Dates

11/03/09 Activision
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Community Stats

Owners: 2
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

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Jurassic: the Hunted is an epic shooter set on a dark, mysterious island lost in time. Players assume the role of weapons and survival expert Craig Dylan, who has been hired to protect a research team studying the strange temporal energy of the island. Protection quickly becomes a fight for survival as Dylan is pulled back in time through the Bermuda Triangle and finds himself facing the most terrifying creatures in the history of the planet. Combat encounters include "arena" style fights, fortification sieges, survival modes and unforgettable boss battles. Adrenaline bursts give you an edge - this cinematic gameplay feature allows the player to visualize and then target an opponent's weak points in slow motion. Jurassic the Hunted promises hours of dino-survivalist entertainment at its finest.

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Latest Updates

Game Banner Added to Database Blacksaber 28th Dec 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Screenshots Added theprof00 13th Nov 2009
Game Banner Added to Database pbroy 08th Nov 2009
Game Banner Added to Database pbroy 08th Nov 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 08th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated Blaiyan 08th Oct 2009
Boxart Added Blaiyan 08th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated Blaiyan 08th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated Blaiyan 08th Oct 2009
Release Date Added to Database nordlead 27th Sep 2009
Game Information Updated nordlead 27th Sep 2009
Game Added to Database nordlead 27th Sep 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (3)

1 n/a 4,371 n/a 771 5,142
2 n/a 3,654 n/a 645 4,299
3 n/a 4,641 n/a 819 5,460
4 n/a 8,328 n/a 1,470 9,798
5 n/a 5,418 n/a 956 6,374
6 n/a 6,125 n/a 1,081 7,206
7 n/a 6,685 n/a 1,180 7,865
8 n/a 4,969 n/a 877 5,846
9 n/a 656 n/a 116 772
10 n/a 216 n/a 38 254
AnarchyWest posted 27/01/2010, 01:55
how come I have never seen or heard of this game until checking out ROBOTCHHEAVEN's gameprofile ?
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ROBOTECHHEAVEN posted 25/01/2010, 09:35
got the game for $19.99 and enjoyed it, its the best version of a turok clone .
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Avarice28 posted 05/01/2010, 09:17
This was a pretty cool game overall.
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