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Bethesda Game Studios



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11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks
01/26/12 Square Enix
11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC) > Opinions (252)

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nilli posted 17/11/2011, 07:01
CLOS = Retard little child! CD Project said that witcher digital sales surpassed 250K not half a mil. The game has not yet sold over 1 million on pc. This just goes to show you how weak the steam sales and digital sales on pc generally are. Only reason Why Skyrim pulled "big" numbers on steam is because THE GAME USES STEAMWORKS! So it has all the retail copies as well. This game series shows exactly how pc gaming is dying and why the developers care less and less about pc development. It is an after thought. Oh and CLOS here is a gift to you little monkey. IT SAYS QUARTER! You do know what that means don't you retard? It is not half a million.
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The_Joker_Product posted 16/11/2011, 10:07
Another game below the PS3, no surprise though.
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clos posted 16/11/2011, 05:06
hahahaha nilli, retard obviously doesnt know...witcher 2 has surpassed 500k on digital and sold 650k on retail, well over 1 million pc, so learn your facts before you say stupid shit. Your friends and you, are pc gamers secretly, weather you pirate the games or not to play them for free, the fact is you play on pc and that makes you a pc gamer. Also, keep wishing man that pc gaming is dead, as it is more than obvious that we getting everything you console fags are getting with even better graphics. Ah yes, i can pla skyrim wtith no loading itmes, mods, as well as saints row with dx11 and better gameplay. Oh and nilli, oblivion sold well on pc during its lifetime, and skyrim is already ahead of what oblivion was when it released the first week, so lets just say itll sell a lot more. FACT is, this is extra profit for the developers, meaning all that money will go into pc gaming. So tahts fine with us, take your console profits, with that, we get our better pc version while you get stuck at a loading screen every time you enter a house for 30 seconds to 1 minute. I wait less than 2 seconds. Nilli, you have nothing else. All your points have been proven wrong, not only by us, but by the developers who give us the better version.
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Noodlefighter posted 16/11/2011, 01:17
Show us on the doll where the mean ol pc gamers molest you
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nilli posted 15/11/2011, 08:12
Sorry to be clear i ment Bethesda will never again focus on pc. Those days are over. Funny since it used to be pc only developer. This game will be pirated on pc in the millions and has already showed how weak the sales on pc are. It would be best for the future of Bethesda to cancel the pc versions all together. They have no idea how many console gamers I know pirated this on pc. Since piracy on pc is so laughable easy.
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nilli posted 15/11/2011, 06:52
Told you bitches pc version of skyrim sold like shit when compared to consoles. BUHAHAHAH less in retail and no matter how you try to tell me how digital sales were massive nobody wil believe you since Witcher got shit sales on digital and retail sold 3 times the digital sales. SO STFU. Bethesda will never again focus on consoles. Oblivion pulled decent numbers on pc and Skyrim sales goes to show you how pc gaming is dying as we speak. LOL!
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clos posted 15/11/2011, 04:21
hahaha...oh nilli, how you have you really have no argument, i think you are the dead horse. Sorry man, imma go play on my pc now and do some skyrim modding!
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nilli posted 15/11/2011, 06:04
I knew you little "no life" children would get apeshit over this. Hehehe. You know this to be true. You waste your life on pc gaming and you waste it here trying to defend it. You waste by modding your shitty pc and reading support forums. Anybody who plays on pc in this day and age has no freaking life and is basically betting on a dead horse.
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Noodlefighter posted 15/11/2011, 04:51
Nilli really wants PC gaming to die. Well too bad you can pretend it doesn't exist if it makes you feel better.
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led9010 posted 14/11/2011, 04:53
Nilli seriously, how much hate do you want from one board. Or is this some kind of divine negativity that you're collecting as part of a "cleansing ritual". Put ur mantis in a tree root instead and enjoy the fake pleasure
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led9010 posted 14/11/2011, 04:48
Nilli's dad abused him in all the wrong ways cause Nilli wanted to buy a high end PC. Hence, this is his defense mechanism in order to forget the bumfu%^ that he got. Lets show some pity on the poor guy ppl don't diss on him. He can't sit properly. Let him have his hoorah!!!!!!!
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clos posted 14/11/2011, 03:58
oh and nilli, seirously man, dont compare your pc experience to ours. You are just too dumb to understand. You cant tweak, you dont even know what grpahics are cause your deadbox doesnt have any options like that. So refrain from comapring your stupidity to the rest of us pc gamers how kjnow how to handle a pc better than you rmom nows how to handle ur p4 inch penis
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clos posted 14/11/2011, 03:56
why does nilli say pc developers care less and less when in fact its only been proven the contrary? triple a titles, almost no delays, better grap;phics, mods. I mean, where is this information coming from nilli? your mothers basement? you r newspaper from 2001? its right in front of his nose and the dumbass still calims developers care less and less, baahaha...its hilarious. In fact, most developers are going to steamworks isnce its the best choice. Nilli man, ill gladly read your stupid arguments, but my god man, do some research, post some profof or something cause right now you are just another console idiot.
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clos posted 14/11/2011, 03:53
haha this is how dumb nilli is, he has no idea on the cost ofbuilding a pc. Its an invesetment, something you people spend more money on 60 dollar games, peripherals, xbox live and dumb shit like that. Overrall you spend more than we do in an investment we make once that lasts fora very long time. As a a matter of fact, i have plenty of friends that just sold their consoles and bought a new gaming pc and now i play with them every day. We laugh at consoles and their shitty grpahics, while not only we can afford a pc but we can afford aa tv and 3D unlike Nilli who cant afford a 60 dollar game. I connect my pc to tv and have 1080p, oh wait, my monitor suppports 1200p with eyefinity, a much better experience for gaming than a shitty tv like nillis. Nobody gives a fuck, thats why theres a withcer nexus, dragon age nexus, skyrim nexus, mods for batman, gta, hell, even deus ex has mods. Splitscreen nilli? trust me, a simple ini config and u have it. Too bad you are just too dumb to play on pc and you probably spend 2 grand on cause youre so stupid you believe dells aer made for gaming. Nilli has no arguments anymore and still comes here to troll! thats fine yuo autistic kid, ill keep ocming back and dethroning you cause you were never on top, since all your arguments have been fallacious? know what a fallacy is nilli? or you too dumb to know that as well, since you dont even know how to buy, build and play on a computer.
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Calm101 posted 14/11/2011, 02:22
I've had the same pc for 3 years and it runs every game i throw at it with no issues, whereas i've had to go through 3 xbox before i found one that didn't kill itself on me.... My PS3 has been working since launch...
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nilli posted 14/11/2011, 12:46
Just check any support forums on multiplatform games during launch. Skyrim is a prime example. Sells less on pc than either of the console and gets tons more people crying about issues with it and thei rig. I bet most of those people have not even bought the game. Saying that you never have any issues is a flat out lie. You can never be 100% sure if the game runs on your rig without any issues. This is the biggest failure on pc and it is getting worse year after year since developers care less and less about pc.
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modify posted 14/11/2011, 10:32
I never have any of those problems playing any new game on a pc (upgrade) that cost a few hundred bucks. No hassle with drivers, "tweaking" consists of a couple minutes going through the game options, bugs aren't as common as people make them out to be (people generally only bother making posts to complain about issues, the majority of people have no issues and they aren't about to go to a support forum to say "hey I have no problems!"). The bugs exist on the consoles anyway, I deal with them about as much as I deal with PC bugs, but in either case they're minor. The statement about console players being more successful is laughable; way more kids play on consoles, they don't even have careers yet. Also, my friends don't pirate games, but even if they did, why would i feel like a moron for supporting the gaming industry? Both consoles and pc's have positives and negatives, I don't see why you make such a big deal out of it.
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nilli posted 14/11/2011, 06:22
This is pc gaming: Buy a game from steam or origins and never again have the option to sell it and possibly never have the option to play offline. You get the game month later than the console gamers ofcourse. Then findout that your graphics card is not working with the game. So wait for couple of weeks to get a patch or buy another card. Then startup the game. But wait a second why isn't the game runninng smoothly and looking great on your 2000$ pc? Spend afternoon tweaking the setting but you just can't find quite the right settings. Then spend the next day crying in the support forums about all the bugs and issues that you find because the game is a consoles port. Also take your time to cry about the lack of Lan support and Mods because the developers just don't give a fuck about pc gamers. Then try to remember if you bought the game on steam or from origin and feel like a complete moron when all your other pc nerd friends tell you that they torrented the game and burnt it on disk so they actually own more than you do trough steam. Then waste the rest of your life playing on your desk with mouse and keyboard. Sure you could use a controller in some cases but the you would have no business challengin other players online who use M&K. So that is your future. See your more successfull friends migrating to consoles and saying "the hell with this pc gaming bullshit". They play together saturday splitscreen etc from their couch before going to the clubs while you play alone in your mothers basement 2 inches from your monitor and admire the graphics.
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clos posted 13/11/2011, 10:05
hahaha, steam got hakced...and guess what happene? NOTHING..cause its secure. See nilli? you have nothing else to say. No mroe proof of anything. 2 delays this year on two games, yet theyre coming with better graphics, eyefinity, physx, dx11, etc. Sorry you cant afforf anything else man. I mean, ask your mom at least, maybe shell take care of you. Steam is great! not only is it still more alive than ever, guess what nilli? wha tyou call drm, is the best choice for developers as many of them have ditched gfwl and others and gone to steam directly with steamworks. The right choice for the right type of gamer. You can go back to your pixelated deadbox. Fact is, you lost here a long time ago and you are nothing else but a fat guy in his moms basement with a sandwich in his hand and your dick on the other. We appreciate our platform and we support it and that my friend, is why pc gaming is never going to die. Come talk to me when valve sells out to consoles, or even EA stops working on Origin, which from what i read, its only expanding and pc games are now getting an origin version and a steamworks version. SUCK ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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zingerman posted 13/11/2011, 07:26
moreover, prepare to get butfucked by publishers even more next console generation. This will only get worse for console gaming. No wonder people are fleeing away from console gaming like rats flee a sinking ship, games are getting easier and easier, superficial, but they do have nice explosions and 100 mil. dollar marketing campaigns for all your pathetic little minds. Man, activision sure does love you, console gamers.
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zingerman posted 13/11/2011, 07:20
also, nilli, you have again proven the comment board how pathetic you are. You say that PC gamers pirate shit blablabla, but BAM, you go on and say steam sucks because you can't sell games. WTF??? Do you know why gaming companies start treating console gamers like shit with the online passes? It's because idiots like you who actually buy used, rent or sell their games. That hurts the entire gaming industry, but hey, at least it's not pircay, but guess what, it's just as harmful, but would a 15 y.o. kid like yourself cared about those thins. BRRRR NOOOO. Again, I'm sorry but you have failed. Try again with another of your brilliant posts :)
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zingerman posted 13/11/2011, 07:12
nilli just mad because he can't see what he's playing, you know how xboxes produce a pixelated mess of a picture, so you have to be like 5 meters away to make something out of the picture, but at least he can play gears 3 :DDD
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led9010 posted 13/11/2011, 05:20
Nilli for a moment lets say that you are right. Then why is it that Battlefield, which was for a brief period of time a console exclusive with bad company, again went to the pc with BC2. Why is it that Bioware are making a PC exclusive, that too with a much loved console franchise like Star Wars. Why is it that the Witcher games have been PC exclusives and still enjoyed success. Again why is a franchise like Metal Gear Solid coming to the PC? Why was Fable 3 on the PC when Fable 2 was 360 exclusive?? Why was a 360 exclusive like Mass Effect released on PC and why was the sequel released on the PC on the same day as the console version? And again, when Vgchartz have time and again themselves agreed that their PC tracking is poor because of lack of digital numbers, why do you only consider PC game sales from Vgchartz? And most importantly, more than anything else, if you love the consoles so much, why do you go on every PC gaming board and bash about it? If you don't like the PC, just stay happy with your preferred system. Why go and bash other systems? You are currently the most hated person on Vgchartz and its just because you talk utter rubbish. You're a biggot to the core and you lose all credibility because of it. No matter what you say, nobody is going to take you seriously. The only thing that will be satisfied is your ego. If your happy with that, then good for you. But people usually go online to make friends and get different perspectives, but i guess your level of self esteem is either too high or too low to accept such things. So keep on ranting as we all know you will. But remember, just because you comment a million times over here that does not mean we are listening. After a while it comes white noise and just passes through without making any impact.
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nilli posted 13/11/2011, 05:05
Hehe so you lost. Buuhuuu. You are all over the wall with your writing. Goes to show how angry you are. You really should go cry to your mommy and maybe she could wash your mouth with soap once more. Deep in side you know that everything I have said is absolutely true. PC has no more exclusives worth mentioning. Only a freakin moron would buy from steam when you cant even re sell your games. You have to fight with idiotic drm and on top of that STEAM JUST GOT HACKED BUHAHAHAH! All you get is delayed console ports loser.
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clos posted 13/11/2011, 12:31
oh guess what? we care cause why? we have siants row, skyrim and others in the way first, also batan was delayed to implement steamworks and dx11 and physxsm so while u play ur shitty version ill play the better version and the arguement here is that pc gaming is dead, brought by you. If you wanna argue about console porting then thats a whole new thing, but you have lost your pc argument. These games i mentioned may get shitty ports, buut fact is they are not console exclusives anymore as they once were and they ar still coming to pc which is the core of this argument you always try to fuuel with your trolling in which you have epically failed by far. PC still gets games and it has clearly been shown that only batman and assassins creed, the only IPs those developers have to sell were delayed, no other pc game was delayed. I was released simultaneously with th consoles, and they have all been the better version bitch ass nigger motheruccking cockscuking faggot! you lost, just admit it! on my part am so bored with your strawman arguemnt, its makes me laugh. Imma post all your commments on 4 chan, so they can come here and eat you alive. PC GAMER MASTER RACE!
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nilli posted 13/11/2011, 08:20
All those games you mentioned will be released with consoles in mind. Pc versions will get delayed or canceled. Or the pc version will be shitty ports. Hey what happened to batman? Oh jeah delayed bitch! I have already finished the game on my 360. Oh well be happy to pirate the shitty console port when ever it comes out :D
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clos posted 12/11/2011, 11:48
also, nilli is so broke and poor and since he cant even afford to buy console games, he plays them on pc pirated, and then comes and trolls here. Nilli, remember, your autism isnt a disease, its a product of bad parenting and chil molestation from your parents. Hes probably too dumb to understand this. I will wait for saints ro, batman, me3, gta 5, maxz payne 3, all those triple a titles and more, coming to PC near you soon! stay tuned console fags!
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clos posted 12/11/2011, 11:44
haha there he goes again..same shit over and over, this is getting boring for me and i love to troll on console faggots like nilli, but htis guy is just dumb and odne for. He has no brains on how to argue or what structure an arguement consists of. Man, Nilli, i was hoping this would last but you have dissapointed me with your lack of trolling skills . Must be cause you're an inbred. Oh well, good luck man! pc GAMING, FTW!
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nilli posted 12/11/2011, 11:08
This game sold probably few hundred thousand on pc digital + retail. It will sell millions on consoles. You freaking tools waste money on pc gaming. You do realize that people get these games for free on pc. Do you? 95% of the pc gamers don't pay a penny for this game. Buhahaha what a freaking morons. Anybody who buys games on pc through steam is a freaking moron.
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nilli posted 12/11/2011, 11:08
This game sold probably few hundred thousand on pc digital + retail. It will sell millions on consoles. You freaking tools waste money on pc gaming. You do realize that people get these games for free on pc. Do you? 95% of the pc gamers don't pay a penny for this game. Buhahaha what a freaking morons. Anybody who buys games on pc through steam is a freaking moron.
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zingerman posted 12/11/2011, 09:34
lol nilli comparing multiplayer game like Halo Reach vs SP rpg, why you so mad?
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clos posted 12/11/2011, 07:34
haha nilli is just mad cause he sees success in pc agaming, something he hates with a passion cause hes a sacredy lil bitch. He has no more arguments. Hes done and has been done. Bethesda maade the right choice oging with steamworks and it shows, the number of concurrent players only shows that its increasing. Let the games sell better on consoles, pc isnt gonig anywhere and thats what nilli is mad at. His whole arguemnt is the piracy one, one that has been debunked by develeopers all year long by releaseing triple a titles to the pc and even some exclusives that passed the million units sold. Hes just an angry down syndromw child, whose mother doesnt touch him at night cause his penis is 4 inches long. He calls his mom a slut on the mic while playing COD MW3 ON STEAM (yes, i see him on steam) to impress his teammates, when on pc, nobody uses voice chat and behaves like him, so he kgets kicked form server. Hes an angry little fellow with retarded arguments, no rebuttals and fallacious statements. Let him troll all he wants, fact is, PC gaming is alive and he is just mad cuase he is poor and cant afford anything else but a shitbox..
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nilli posted 12/11/2011, 05:14
You do know that Skyrim uses steamworks do you? You retard little child. 360 version will sell atleast 4 times more than pc version and will be pirated 10 times less atleast. Deep inside you know that developers are not giving a shit about pc. Halo reach had 700K simultaneus players. Wake me up when any game on steam reaches those numnbers retard little child. No matter the game it will ALWAYS sell best on consoles. No matter how hc you think the game is.
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zingerman posted 12/11/2011, 12:30
hahaha, nilli, how does it feel knowing skyrim had 230k players playing on PC AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME :D? That's surely a record for any game on steam. It even destroyed that PoS MW1.3 on PC. Goes to show hardcore gamers play only on PC. I wonder, do you feel ashamed that MW1.3 sold 4-5 mil on xbox on day one, the game's such a disgrace to the entire genre, yet console kiddies buy the same game every year ./facepalm...
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nilli posted 12/11/2011, 09:20
Steam stats LOL! Skyrim will and has sold peanuts on pc when compared to consoles. Stalker has sold nicely because they were giving it away almost free on steam for years. Next stalker will be released on consloles and the call of Pripyat sold like utter shit. That shows you how pc gaming has died in resent years. Bethesda will never ever make pc their lead after everybody sees how Skyrim mostly sold on consoles. Just like every other game out there and got pirated like no tomorrow on pc. Actually you are a retard if you pay for single player games on pc.
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Calm101 posted 11/11/2011, 11:15
I dunno what nilli is talking about as i actually bought my game legitimately and the pre-orders for every store in my region were mostly for pc...
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Noodlefighter posted 11/11/2011, 06:48
Also genius if think this game is going to do crap I suggest you take a look at Steam stats XD
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Noodlefighter posted 11/11/2011, 06:46
You know what else is funny the Xbox 360 was pirated weeks befor the PC version of Skyrim and was actually playable on X360
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Noodlefighter posted 11/11/2011, 06:42
STALKER was from 4 years ago lol still in this generation especially when games like Crysis were out and you'd probably toot about piracy and PC gaming dying. Oh yeah and the last STALKER game was from 2009/2010 has sold over 2 million
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nilli posted 11/11/2011, 06:59
Oh so its a fact because you say so. Just wait for skyrim to be buggy as hell on pc. Why? Because Bethesda have moved to consoles where people still buy their games. At the moment there is 40 thousand leechers and about 8 thousand seeders for Skyrim on pc in Pirate bay alone. On xbox there are 128 seeders and 300 leechers. Now the 360 version will outsell the pc version by a huge margin. So why do you moron think that the game developers would ever focus or polish the pc version? The pc version will be shit.
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Calm101 posted 10/11/2011, 03:34
I hate people who troll pc when they don't know shit about it. I'm saying this as someone who plays more console games than anything, PC games will always be better, piracy has nothing to do with that fact, it's just fact, simple.
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nilli posted 07/11/2011, 06:46
Stalker was made over 4 years ago. Stalker 2 is coming to consoles. 150K preorders on pc. Wont even sell 500K on pc and piracy numbers will be somewhere between 3-4 million. There is the pc gaming market for you. Those 500K would all get the console version if the pc version would be canceled and god knows how many of those four million that get the game for free. This game will sell like utter shit on pc. Multiplatform single player game buhahahah give me a break. No point to ever release this to the pc audience.
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Noodlefighter posted 30/10/2011, 08:52
@nilli yeah like STALKER......... oh wait!
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zingerman posted 23/10/2011, 11:35
lololol 150k retaill preorders by now on PC, you still mad bro?
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nilli posted 20/09/2011, 10:47
hopefully they cancel the pc release. Only thing they will find on pc is MASSIVE PIRACY. Just like all the previous single player games. Focus on consoles (like you have) and abandon pc alltogether Bethesda.
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yahoocom1984 posted 05/02/2011, 02:51
Now Oblivion has sold 5.54 million on two consoles, maybe 2 million on PC, so that's 7.54 million now, Oblivion can reach 8 million
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yahoocom1984 posted 14/12/2010, 03:49
well, Oblivion sold 3.3 million on XBOX360, over 2 million on PS3; possibly sold even better on PC! So I predict Skyrim will sell at least 9 million copies across all 3 platforms!
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Boutros posted 13/12/2010, 10:08
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darthdevidem01 posted 13/12/2010, 08:29
GOTY 2011 and WRPG of Gen, possibly RPG of gen!
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Rob-Ot posted 12/12/2010, 01:47
I hope they don't screw this up like Oblivon. Please be more like Morrowind :(
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non-gravity posted 12/12/2010, 01:27
I think I'm gonna get at least a new video card for this
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Slimebeast posted 12/12/2010, 12:57
I will get a new PC just in time for this game. I expect a 94% Metascore and 2 million copies lieftime for the PC version, perhaps more if you include cheap digital downloads years after release.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (252)

1 n/a 256,083 268,968 138,241 663,292
2 n/a 65,980 107,584 50,459 224,023
3 n/a 35,316 76,751 34,520 146,587
4 n/a 20,293 73,314 31,069 124,676
5 n/a 26,456 71,901 31,208 129,565
6 n/a 41,072 78,961 35,745 155,778
7 n/a 60,608 89,240 42,580 192,428
8 n/a 23,045 71,701 21,369 116,115
9 n/a 10,153 25,242 7,828 43,223
10 n/a 9,144 17,080 5,636 31,860
Pjams posted 16/03/2012, 03:52
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:33
Mods ftw!!
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:33
Im gonna get this version soon
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DrozzRith posted 09/02/2012, 06:16
Probably close to 3.5 million, counting as it rocked the Steam sales with the 33% off
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man-bear-pig posted 07/02/2012, 01:13
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man-bear-pig posted 07/02/2012, 01:13
I wonder how much this has sold when you include digital salesd...
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