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02nd Jun 2009 | 1,782 views
I only briefly played killzone 1 and i didnt really like it so i was a fan of the series.However when kz2 came out i played the emo and saw how much more realistic it is than other games.Firstly you dont move like a rail mounted gun,instead it actually feels like you are that man running with lots of kit on.The graphics are stunning and they make a good job of making helghan a really pretty place even though its mainly dark colours.The single player was both very enjoyable with intresting cut scenes and general good gameplay but the multiplayer really makes it stand out.The classes are extremely fun top play as and wahts more you can mix their abilitys about so i for example have a medic with c4 or a sniper with air support.For me at least this is one of the greatest shooters ever made
posted 26/11/2023, 12:31
onely shooter series that rivals halo with its plot. Message | Report |
posted 28/02/2014, 04:20
almost 3 million, sad this series never took off like Halo did for Microsoft Message | Report |