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Review Scores



Alternative Names

NiGHTS: Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari



Sonic Team



Release Dates

12/18/07 Sega
12/13/07 Sega
01/18/08 Sega

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 200
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (53)

1 17,928 n/a n/a 17,928
2 7,978 20,346 n/a 3,909 32,233
3 3,395 23,142 n/a 4,390 30,927
4 2,987 12,340 n/a 2,353 17,680
5 1,117 8,110 n/a 1,538 10,765
6 751 7,158 n/a 1,355 9,264
7 493 6,471 n/a 1,223 8,187
8 359 5,718 n/a 1,080 7,157
9 276 5,914 n/a 1,116 7,306
10 242 4,386 n/a 828 5,456
Venox2008 posted 20/05/2011, 09:01
I am enjoying it at the moment.. good game :)
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orioncete posted 28/11/2010, 11:27
Beautiful aestetics, and good game overall, bein one of the first on the console to feature gameplay online, conpetitive and cooperative through something similar to Chaogardens from Dreamcast era Sonics. That said, controls and cameras should heve been more polished and some adjustments on gameplay wouldn't have hurt either...
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 04:31
Little odd for me, but an alright game, and heck, ya have to give nights props if miyomoto is jealous of it
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Armads posted 02/05/2010, 03:45
I thought this game was pretty meh. Great graphics and music was pretty good. Wiimote controls were a bit disappointing and the story and characters really just were an annoyance. Would have preferred that they focus on level design (and not just the backgrounds I mean) instead of making an unneeded and shallow plot to go with the game. Worth what I paid though which was 10 bucks.
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justin.newton11 posted 06/04/2010, 06:47
Very very good game and extremely underated
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 13/01/2010, 06:58
seen this in many shops in Europe as well, should have sold i guess
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