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VGChartz Score




Namco Bandai Games



Release Dates

02/14/12 Namco Bandai
02/16/12 Namco Bandai
02/17/12 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 15
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (20)

1 9,294 14,081 587 2,184 26,146
2 3,762 2,087 471 375 6,695
3 2,707 1,094 411 219 4,431
4 2,422 531 305 121 3,379
5 2,036 551 289 121 2,997
6 2,203 536 252 115 3,106
7 2,023 718 186 132 3,059
8 1,676 928 157 161 2,922
9 1,420 1,000 187 174 2,781
10 1,217 564 193 110 2,084
Zeruda-Hime posted 13/01/2022, 06:38
one of the most boring and useless game of the all time LOL
Nothing to do or unlock, online was dead. The graphic was really good but the contents weren't enough.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 21/01/2014, 07:11
As much as I appreciated the 60fps in 3D, the game didn't live up to the standards set by DoAD and SSFIV.
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 10:55
loved this. too bad online is broken outside your country
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DieAppleDie posted 16/05/2013, 01:37
you might be right as a competitive gamers perspective
it just Tekken looks way better visually, and its more realistic which i prefer
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acdcste posted 12/11/2012, 02:34
Sorry but tekken is nowhe near the level of a street fighter, on any console, and i do like tekken. I have always thought it the fighting game for beginners really.
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DieAppleDie posted 26/10/2012, 12:49
Tekken is better than DoA, always been and always will, i own the 3 big fighters for the 3DS and Tekken is the best in terms of gameplay, grafix and 3D effect

again Endings were cool 15 years ago, now they are a really small incentive for 99% of the people, maybe you are part of that 1%, but that doesnt change the reality that Tekken is well known for being the best 3D fighting series of all time
this is no different
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