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Alternative Names

Exciting Pro Wrestling 4






Release Dates

10/31/02 THQ
02/06/03 Yuke's
11/15/02 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 50
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
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3D finishers and 3 table slam
hi guys, on single matches(either TLC or others) you can do a move in matrix style, if you put all your finishers up in a single match and you are getting sick of them, just press L1 when you have a finisher and at any time you want during the move press L1 again and, suddenly the MOVE will stop and the camera will turn around slowly for a minuite and the move will look cooler than ever.(it works with any finisher at all).

To slam through three tables just pick any match out of TLC and table then: get them down on the floor and grab a table, then walk to the anouncement table and drop the table in front of it if it is not right in front just walk into it to make it get as close as you can. then chuck another table onto the two tables. run onto the two tables and pick up the third table and wait until the oponent climbs up and you can press circle when he is next to you and put him on it , make sure the table some of its legs on either table. TWO ON EACH TABLE.then go on the third table and put him through it, allthree tableles will then break.
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Opinion (4)

PullusPardus posted 21/05/2009, 12:31
i remember the clerk at the gamestore asking which game i wanted him to bring off the shelf "which game you want? "
and i told him
"Shut your mouth"
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Ronster316 posted 01/12/2008, 12:00
1ST Smackdown game where you could "steal" your opponents finisher........ 10/10
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 06:24
CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA?! Beating up the ref in battle mode is a hoot! Try it!
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MontanaHatchet posted 18/11/2007, 08:09
He's a bad mother-SHUT YO MOUTH!
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