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Prediction League > Results

Weekly America Chart, 04th July 2009


Item Average Bets Actual Accuracy
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (X360) 89,256 vg$3,890 50,901 24.65%
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PS3) 33,994 vg$2,885 38,301 88.75%
Blazblue (X360) 24,791 vg$420 48,619 50.99%
Mega Man Star Force 3 (DS) 24,381 vg$3,360 9,214 0%
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Wii) 35,546 vg$1,620 8,574 0%
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (X360) 67,186 vg$4,705 31,704 0%
UFC 2009 Undisputed (X360) 36,199 vg$2,510 48,163 75.16%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) 29,328 vg$1,545 36,567 80.20%
Pokemon Platinum (DS) 26,681 vg$4,060 27,915 95.58%
Prototype (PS3) 19,026 vg$845 22,368 85.06%
168,037 vg$ 6,410 169,209 99.31%
84,891 vg$ 4,760 81,308 95.59%
48,286 vg$ 3,190 48,668 99.21%
37,794 vg$ 3,930 34,633 90.87%
28,757 vg$ 2,665 36,789 78.17%

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Top predictors for this round

Rank User Bet Accuracy Winnings WinPercent
1 Salnax vg$75 1.67% vg$-44 -59%
2 iclim4 vg$945 63.99% vg$-38 -4%
3 bobbo19 vg$825 60.05% vg$-31 -4%
4 sergiodaly vg$75 52.33% vg$-2 -3%
5 Moonhero vg$365 71.08% vg$7 2%
6 09tarheel vg$75 65.47% vg$9 12%
7 Skorpion vg$90 63.14% vg$9 10%
8 NinjaBlade360 vg$135 73.05% vg$14 10%
9 Rasen Shuriken vg$1,150 28.91% vg$17 1%
10 LordMatrix vg$915 28.68% vg$19 2%
11 Zlejedi vg$175 76.63% vg$26 15%
12 welleweirdo vg$290 64.37% vg$37 13%
13 dxc vg$1,065 67.02% vg$63 6%
14 9Chiba vg$750 68.70% vg$148 20%
15 PDF vg$3,775 65.39% vg$295 8%
16 non-gravity vg$1,750 62.95% vg$728 42%
17 Tbone vg$7,250 72.91% vg$985 14%
18 zexen_lowe vg$7,040 70.49% vg$1,500 21%
19 oliist vg$9,030 68.56% vg$1,648 18%
20 nordlead vg$11,020 69.33% vg$1,756 16%