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Irrational Games



Other Versions

All, OSX, PC, X360

Release Dates

03/26/13 2K Games
(Add Date)
03/26/13 2K Games

Community Stats

Owners: 57
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 9
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (25)

1 n/a 219,646 157,951 100,950 478,547
2 n/a 45,673 56,171 24,864 126,708
3 n/a 23,019 32,721 13,264 69,004
4 n/a 14,078 22,298 8,492 44,868
5 15,791 7,752 17,273 5,504 46,320
6 4,260 6,001 13,141 4,223 27,625
7 2,157 6,353 9,844 3,796 22,150
8 1,340 5,039 7,834 3,015 17,228
9 1,088 8,139 7,896 4,080 21,203
10 951 10,298 8,223 4,869 24,341
Terraqueous posted 19/06/2016, 09:36
Japan hasn't failed in Sales, Japan has the lowest Population compared to Europe, America and the rest of the world.
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-girgosz- posted 05/11/2013, 12:28
I bet it's over 3 million if we count digital sales and holidays are upon us. It's really sad that some people call a 3 million+ game a bomb.
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Statix posted 21/07/2013, 10:37
@thewastedyouth: Well, to be fair, Japan likes games where they can SEE the character they're controlling. And that character needs to have spiky blue or blond hair. Oh yeah, they have to use swords as their primary weapon also.
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thewastedyouth posted 18/07/2013, 09:27
Japan fails again
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Statix posted 15/07/2013, 03:38
I'm shocked that this game can't sell a million on PS3! I've heard some news reports about this game being a sales and critical success, but it looks like that's not reality.

@drakesfortune: I thought the story was amazing, and far more grandiose and epic in scale than Bioshock 1. The way it deals with concepts like alternate universes (as well as racial/class inequality) is truly grand in scope, and unlike any story I've seen in a game before. My guess is that you just got lost in the parallel universes storyline, and that's why you didn't get it.
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drakesfortune posted 28/06/2013, 06:39
@sniper989...You are a dick. Honestly. The word was made for assholes like you.
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