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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Ultimate Pokemon Tournament Generations 1 - 6 Semifinals, Match 3

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Welcome to the Ultimate Pokemon Tournament. We are now at the Semifinals with only 16 Pokemon Remaining! Of the 4 Pokemon in each round, only the winner will advance! Vote for your favourite to have a chance at the final round

Vote for all Pokemon like in the example below:

4p Wartortle
3p Charmander
2p Treecko
1p Bulbasaur

The Top Pokemon for each round will advance to the finals

Previous Results:

1    #150 Mewtwo    49
2    #445 Garchomp    42
3    #197 Umbreon   40
4   #658 Greninja    39

We now move on to the current match

#282 Gardevoir

#157 Typhlosion

#475 Gallade

#384 Rayquaza

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Around the Network

4p Rayquaza
3p Typhlosion
2p Gardevoir
1p Gallade

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4p Gardevoir
3p Gallade
2p Typhlosion
1p Rayquaza

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

4p Typhlosion
3p Gallade
2p Gardevoir
1p Rayquaza

4p Gardevoir
3p Rayquaza
2p Gallade
1p Typhlosion


Around the Network

4p Rayquaza
3p Gardevoir
2p Typhlosion
1p Gallade

I know he wont win buuuut,

4p Typholsion
3 Gallade
2 Gardevoir
1 Rayquaza

4p Rayquaza
3p Typhlosion
2p Gardevoir
1p Gallade

Just copied yours, uran. It was the correct one after all.

4p Gardevoir
3p Gallade
2p Typhlosion
1p Rayquaza

Pocky Lover Boy! 

4p Gardevoir
3p Rayquaza
2p Gallade
1p Typhlosion

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3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz