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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Are Turn based RPGs Dead?

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Are turn-based RPGs in mainstream gaming Dead?

Yeah guys......I know its sad. :-( 61 28.50%
NOO!!!!! NEVER!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! 153 71.50%

Is it really over guys?

Is Turn-based RPGs dead in the mainstream game industry? (non-indie)

Younger audiences don't like em...but I'll sure as hell miss em..

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Persona 5?


I still think turn based makes for a better and more engrossing experience than action. I like them both but i prefer turn based.

Considering the sales of Pokemon, nope.


Theres too few of them these days for my likeing.

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Where's the poll?

The answer is no. Pokemon, Persona, Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem, maybe?
Tho they really have diminished in number in home consoles due to the success of western rpgs not being turn-based.

Persona and Pokemon higher than ever, Neptunia and other smaller IPs growing non-stop... No, turn based RPGs are far from dead.

In pokemon? It's fine.

FF15 is only like it is because SquEnix wasted time and money on a spin-off which turned into a main series title instead. FF16 might have the ATB back and sell just as well.

It's a weird thing as we don't really know unless game developers actually make them and considering out of the 2 biggest franchises with turn based stuff in it, one of them didn't do it with their latest entry, it's hard to tell.

Hmm, pie.

As people said, Pokémon
I mean the game came out like a week before FF15 ands old probably at least double the amount.

Then toss in games that also sell well like Dragon Quest, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, the FE/Shin Megami crossover was received well, Bravely Default.

But again, Pokémon sold more than double ff15 from what I've heard and was within a month of each other. (I heard something like Pokémon shipped 10 million and FF15 shipped 5 million. Assuming both had same sell through and with similar ratio's for Digital. I would figure Pokémon would have higher digitals actually due to being a portable game. But in the end more than double should be a solid conservative estimate)

So to OP.
To the poll. Your poll is the only thing dead this gen.