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Forums - Gaming Discussion - An important question about Final Fantasy XV

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Well, what do you think?

Absolutely. The sausage-f... 10 45.45%
It has a possibility, indeed. 0 0%
Nah, Cidney ruined any chance of full-yaoi. 1 4.55%
No one can beat Kingdom Hearts at this point. 3 13.64%
I...err...what? 8 36.36%

Given the sheer number of male protagonists in this game, and the fact that they all seem to have a strong bond together, what are the chances that Final Fantasy XV ends up having more yaoi content on internet than Kingdom Hearts altogether?


Bonus pic: (I would have linked something far more suggestive, but I didn't want to shock some members of this site!)


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Obviously, Yaoi fangirls/boys will be all over it.

Hmm, pie.

It's already too homoerotic for my taste. This game is in dire need for a lot more TnA.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I gueninely wonder if there will be any non yaoi doujin at this point.

Also wheter or not it can have more yaoi than KH will be determined by the success the game has with the female crowd in general.

vivster said:

It's already too homoerotic for my taste. This game is in dire need for a lot more TnA.

they better not just be friends with the female NPCs in this game. Square wanna take after western RPGs? then let them fully take after them!!!

Around the Network
Wright said:

Given the sheer number of male protagonists in this game, and the fact that they all seem to have a strong bond together, what are the chances that Final Fantasy XV ends up having more yaoi content on internet than Kingdom Hearts altogether?


Bonus pic: (I would have linked something far more suggestive, but I didn't want to shock some members of this site!)


Please DO IT!

I like this one, those are pretty realistic graphics.

They weren't kidding when they said this game was going to be similar to Kingdom Hearts!

I hope they come up with more funny names for the evil guys. Xemnas anagram was just awesome. (Xemnas > Mansex)

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Intrinsic said:
vivster said:

It's already too homoerotic for my taste. This game is in dire need for a lot more TnA.

they better not just be friends with the female NPCs in this game. Square wanna take after western RPGs? then let them fully take after them!!!

Yeah, if I can't go full Geralt on Cidney's ass then I'm gonna be disappointed.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Sqenix showed some real appreciation for their fans when they designed their characters after everything a good doujinshni needs. It's a great advertising platform after all. Less important than youtube but it's good for exposure.

Speaking of good design. Prompto Argentum really looks like a trap. ;)

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