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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game would you like Square Enix to show off at E3?

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What game would like to see

Final Fantasy 15 9 12.33%
Final Fantasy Versus 13 29 39.73%
Kingdom Hearts 3 20 27.40%
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 3 4.11%
Other 12 16.44%

I personally would like to see anything Final Fantasy related (Not IOS) to be more specific I would like to see Final Fantasy 15 announcement or Final Fantasy Versus 13. If Sony can show off either of these games at E3 and they are exclusive I will have my decision made for next gen. Oh and before someone else posts it

Around the Network

New Chrono or TWEWY. I can dream.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD

Zelhawks37 said:
New Chrono or TWEWY. I can dream.

I'd love to see TWEWY 2. 

ff vs 13 for ps3

Any next-gen Final Fantasy title... and in dream world, Kingdom Hearts III.

It's all about the game.

Around the Network

FF versus XIII, new footage of lightning returns and FF X hd.

Wasn't sure. First thing I see when I get here? The World Ends With You 2.

Yes pleeeeeaaaaaase.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD with a release date.

...Maybe a Reboot of Chrono Trigger?

.......Maybe a Tomb Raider sequel?

Would love to see a remake of FF VII..... yeah I know, im beating a dead horse.. but one can dream! *_*

lilwingman said:
Any next-gen Final Fantasy title... and in dream world, Kingdom Hearts III.

Kingdom Hearts 3 would sell me on a PS4 day one no questions asked!!!!