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What do you think

Nice Idea 5 71.43%
Lost your damn mind 2 28.57%

Why is there no decent Pokémon game for the Wii? The Pokémon Franchise had a great success on Handhelds, and was one of the best Gamboy/DS games ever. But except of Pokémon Stadium for the N64 there where no decent 3D Pokémon games. I don´t see a reason why Nintendo should not make a Pokémon game for the WiiU. They could remake the first 3 games(Blue,Yellow,Red), with 3D graphics, a new battle system and the original 150 Pokémon. And add something like an online Arena where people could fight each other, after they beat the game. And implement some kind of crossplay with the DS or 3DS like Pokémon Stadium had. And I think a game like that would be a total system seller for the WiiU if it´s good.


So what do you think guys? Would like this too, or do you think that I have my god damn mind?

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The Pokemon games have always been about connectivity with others. With the consoles, the only connectivity was with your own pokemon through a transfer pack, ds transfer, or the GBA cable(I think not 100% sure on that.) There is a reason that multiple versions are released and that is so you can't get them all on your own, you have to go to someone with the other version and trade for it. Having a console game with 2 versions (and both at $50) just seems worthless since LANs are mostly gone since online has progressed and having two console games that are the same yet different versions would just alienate the average consumer.

They already remade the first 4 games (you forgot green), they were called fire red and leaf green.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

There's zero question that a Pokemon MMO for the Wii U would be a massive system seller.

I've said this before, and doubtlessly i'll say it again. The first 150 is a very unbalanced group of Pokemon for 1 major reason:

No Effective counters to psychic types. There are no dark-types, the one ghost family is combination poison, and there are no effective bug-type attacks.

That combined with Mewtwo's existence in the first 150 (and bear in mind that Mewtwo is *still* considered top tier, some 500 additional Pokemon later), then add the fact that there is literally no effective anti-Mewtwo countermeasure in the first 150, and you end up in trouble.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Nintendo makes far too much money rehashing the same game over and over again to actually put some thought or effort into innovation.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Around the Network

Pokemon should stay on handhelds, now about those games (Stadium,Battle revolution) should keep coming to consoles but just as THAT kind of games, and in Andrew's statement lies the reason for all of this ''...phics, a new battle system an...'' Problem NUMBER ONE of RPG franchises, if it isn't broken...

Busted said:
Pokemon should stay on handhelds, now about those games (Stadium,Battle revolution) should keep coming to consoles but just as THAT kind of games, and in Andrew's statement lies the reason for all of this ''...phics, a new battle system an...'' Problem NUMBER ONE of RPG franchises, if it isn't broken...

They don´t need to change it so drasticaly, it can stay turn based. The only thing that always bothered me on Pokémon games where the random encounters, and on a 3D platform they could make something like in FF XIII that you can see your opponent and decide if want to attack him or not. This is the only thing I would like them to chnge

I would LOVE to see that happen!

yes but needs to be fresh and new


AndrewWK said:
Busted said:
Pokemon should stay on handhelds, now about those games (Stadium,Battle revolution) should keep coming to consoles but just as THAT kind of games, and in Andrew's statement lies the reason for all of this ''...phics, a new battle system an...'' Problem NUMBER ONE of RPG franchises, if it isn't broken...

They don´t need to change it so drasticaly, it can stay turn based. The only thing that always bothered me on Pokémon games where the random encounters, and on a 3D platform they could make something like in FF XIII that you can see your opponent and decide if want to attack him or not. This is the only thing I would like them to chnge

that would work for a pokemon mmo of course, but for a traditional game... i think the random encounters are some of the 'magic' of pokemon, what's up with the -1% Rate of appearance- pokemon? you could just see them and that's not so funny, besides where would you put all those 600+ pokemon packs/familys, it would need to be a much larger world and.. well i could go on with the cons, IT'S NOT A BAD IDEA, everyone would love a game like that, it's just too dificult, risky and problematic. Add to that all the buckets and buckets of money that pokemon games make, add the key word, the reason because it will never happen: Unnecesary.