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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My theory regarding Final Fantasy v13

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Will Versus 13 get a rebranding and a multi-release?

Yes, it's inevitable 5 16.67%
It's possible 6 20.00%
It could go either way 6 20.00%
It's highly unlikely 9 30.00%
It's never going to happen 3 10.00%
Versus 13? Give up on it!... 1 3.33%

So here's my theory. With Final Fantasy 13-2 being announced and released, with type-0 (Formally known as Agito) getting a name change to become a stand alone Final Fantasy game, I believe Versus will go the same way and get a name change to possibly Final Fantasy 15 and be announced at E-3 as a Multi for the 360 and possibly the Wii-u.

I seem to remember FF13 dragging its feet also and then suddenly bolting out the doors when it suddenly went Multi, I predict the same thing will happen to "V13"

Anyone agree? (I'm sure everyone else will disagree)

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

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It certainly won't be called Final Fantasy XV since the gameplay doesn't fit the main Final Fantasy line.

It could change name to Final Fantasy (insert random phrase) but I think they'll keep the XIII since it's the same universe. Then again Final Fantasy Tactics, XI and XII all take place in Ivalice so that doesn't mean anything.

Signature goes here!

This has been beat to death already. No it won't

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

Iveyboi said:
This has been beat to death already. No it won't

It has been beaten to death, But I haven't had my turn yet.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

I doubt your theory very much.


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Highly doubt it will change to FF15. multiplatform i think will be inevitable.

I hope so it would make alot of sense to me in my mind lol.

It'll probably keep it's name but it'll be sold as their next main thing, so to speak, leaving FFXV further to the future.

I wonder when we're going to see it though. SE could surprise us and deliver this holidays, but who knows.

As for exclusivity, I'd say is a 50/50 chance. Multiplat is very appealing these days, but most of their userbase is PS-bound. And very expensive games like Too Human held on to their exclusivity status even after crap sales.






It wont become Final Fantasy XV, Ito's team are working on that.

XV and Versus SHOULD both be at E3. SE don't really have anything other than DQX that's huge on the horizon so it would be the perfect time to announce stuff.

Now XIII-2 is finished, I expect the entire team are working on Versus to get that finished. Still hoping for a Holiday 2012 Japan release / Early 2013 Western release.

XV to come late 2013, WW release.


It could go multi but the name stays the same.