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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix SCANDAL DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION

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Hey, so over at :
A few guys asked the editors when the review of Deus Ex is coming.

Here are the questions and the answers =


Submitted by: pr0wler
Deus Ex: Human Revolution review. When will it arrive? :)

Reply by Chief Editor:
It will not, at all, actually. Sorry. Square Enix has made unreasonable demands for a possible Review session which meant that we declined and simply not going to review Human Revolution. Sucks, of course, but we can not accept that kind of requirement that Square made . It would damage our credibility and is nothing we will ever agree to.
Petter Hegevall


Submitted by: Hombay
I read this message:

What were the requirements that Square put on you?

Reply by Chief Editor:
We have decided to not share that. Square put the same demands on all gaming magazines. Some accepted the requirements, others did not. We were one of the papers that said no right away. Simple as that.

Petter Hegevall




It has been said by a few magazines like CVG that Square Enix wants the reviewers to ATLEAST give it a 90/100. Can't bother to find the sources for that, just google "Square Enix 90 Deus Ex Requirements/Demands" <- Or something like that xD.


EDIT: Don't know if anyone already wrote this, I might just be WAY late XD! Sorry in that case!


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A brave decision now hope it is a wise one.


kowenicki said:

I voted this game would be a disappointment... my vote looks safe.

Shows that the developers don't believe in their own product x_x. I wonder how they put it:
If you want to review this, I want atleast a 90/100, CAPICHE? (LOL)

CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:

I voted this game would be a disappointment... my vote looks safe.

Which would be a real tragedy, as this is one of the more unique IPs around. If what the OP says is true, that's just very unprofessional of SE.

Just read this =


ALL I KNOW IS GR refused to do it because of the "demands". I guess we can all form our own opinion once it releases and compare it to the reviews ^^


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Great. It sounds like Deus Ex will turn out to be a great game and now it might get some bad reputation because of some Squeenix idiots...C'mon, have some confidence. >_> This isn't FFXIV or that Mindfuck game, it's Deus Ex!
What's next, Sony bribing reviewers to ensure that Uncharted 3 gets good reviews?

If you're not going to bother sharing whatever the "unreasonable demands" were, then I don't really care. Besides, it's not like they haven't put out enough videos of the gameplay by now to determine whether or not it's something people are interested in playing.

EDIT: And OPM gave it 8/10, so that shoots that theory down.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

The beta has been leaked and a friend of mine has played it. He's says it's fantastic and is looking forward to the proper release. I'm not quite sure why Square aren't allowing reviews as I've been told that it could possibly be a contender for GOTY??? Very Odd.

He's says that he expected it to be a run and gun linear game, but was totally surprised how open the world was and how much stuff you can do, apparently there's side-missions etc...

(Oh and FYI I don't agree with him downloading the Beta version)

Edit: He also just told me that it sticks fairly close to it's predecessor which is a good sign.

No one has sources. I have one. OPM already gave it an 8/10....

If there is a way to explain that, and what the OP said. Then sure I believe.

I know SE does a lot of dumb things. But besides having requirenments for early reviews like everyone else. (Review Embargo's). It doesn't make a lot of sense here. Since they already leaked it. It makes more sense of to throw a tantrum and get more hits to me.

Particularly when you go to there site there's a big deus ex advert. And if they really thought SE was cheating people with reviews. Wouldn't reviewing and giving their true opinion be more logical, and give this story weight. Than them throwing a tantrum?.

kowenicki said:

I voted this game would be a disappointment... my vote looks safe.

Your vote is wrong, since this game is already been leaked and everyone who played it, loved it.