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Prediction League > Prediction

Weekly America Chart, 27th March 2009 - Predictions by: non-gravity

Item Prediction Bet Actual Accuracy
Pokemon Platinum (DS) 500,000 vg$ 5 854,274 58.53%
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS) 50,000 vg$ 5 25,294 2.32%
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Wii) 35,000 vg$ 5 15,900 0%
WWE Legends of WrestleMania (X360) 65,000 vg$ 5 52,557 76.32%
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 4 (PS2) 42,000 vg$ 5 34,115 76.89%
Resident Evil 5 (X360) 65,000 vg$ 25 115,138 56.45%
MadWorld (Wii) 50,000 vg$ 5 14,696 0%
Halo Wars (X360) 45,000 vg$ 25 39,980 87.44%
Killzone 2 (PS3) 40,000 vg$ 25 28,756 60.9%
Mario Kart Wii (Wii) 75,000 vg$ 25 79,797 93.99%
100,000 vg$ 20 185,038 54.04%
200,000 vg$ 75 164,098 78.12%
100,000 vg$ 75 80,805 76.25%
75,000 vg$ 75 70,038 92.92%
50,000 vg$ 75 55,910 89.43%

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